
Monday, 12 December 2016

Book review

This morning the pavilion and the year 3s went to the hall because we were going to listen to some fantastic stories.  We got to hear other teachers reading stories.  My favourite story was Clifford and the big storm by Norman bridwell. I really liked the voices used to make the story interesting.  When it was time for going back to class we had to sit on in our group lines for class time. When we came back Mrs Belt said we have to write about it because we are going to blog post on our blogger and our families will see it and gave us a comment. After morning tea we are having a party and we are going to have share lunch.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

My year

During my year in Room 15 we made milkshakes and went to Makerspace.  We had iPads for our learning and played sports. My favourite sports were netball and soccer. I liked playing these sports because it so, so, so fun. I really enjoyed making slime and doing science everyday and doing the Olympics. I also enjoyed making bubbles in Makerspace and going on Studyladder and doing cross country with the whole school and my class. We got to learn things in the Pavilion on Chromebooks, learning about dinosaurs and the Manaiakalani Film Festival. When I am in Year 4 I will miss my old teacher and I will visit her everyday even if she is on duty and walking around the big park and small park and if she is on the new court and old court and if she is walking on the grass. 

Wednesday, 30 November 2016


Once upon a time there was a fish called dory and a shark called Sam. They were in an ocean and they were best friends. They saw something moving and it was big and it was  Sam’s  dad called Parker and Dory’s mom called Rachel. When Rachel met Parker they become friends like Sam and Dory. Rachel said to Parker, do you want to come in my hotel and have a hot cup of coffee? and Parker said yes and dory and Sam went inside to play with the toys. When Sam got there with Dory, Sam said where is your toys and dory said it's in my cupboard and Sam said do you have any pets? Dory said no because Sam likes playing with pets and because they are so cute. When it was night Sam and his dad went back home to have dinner and have some sleep because they were tired.  When they got home they went upstairs and went in their room and Sam was playing his games because he wasn't tired but his dad was.

Monday, 28 November 2016

The river

Once upon a time there was a girl on a ship with her father they were going  to catch some fish for dinner. Mum was gone to work to get lots of money. When mum got back home mum saw some fish on the table when she got upstairs dad and Emma were asleep because they were tried. When dad and Emma waked up they started eating and mum went to the room and went on her phone and when mum got on her phone she was on Facebook to text her brothers and sisters. When she text them they came over and see Emma for her birthday she turned 19 and Emma got a new phone for her present and she got makeup. When the party started Emma invited her friends and her family when they all got there they sang a song for her and the next day she went to school and her mum told her to gave one cake to her class. When she share her cake she took the last cake and when school was finished mum said did you share the cake and Emma said yes. When they got home they ate fish for dinner from last night Emma was sleeping on the table because she was tried and dad had to carry Emma in her room when dad carried Emma in her room dad put a  blanket on Emma when it was morning Emma got ready for school.  Emma went downstairs and see if mum was there making her lunch and mum was there making her breakfast when mum dropped of Emma went to class and she sat on the table and sang a song when she was waiting for her teacher called Mrs Lay.

The spooky scientists

Once upon a time there was a young girl doing some science. Her name was Ayla and she was in a hotel making a big volcano. Her eyes were scary and her eyes were evil. When her mum and dad were going to her room Ayla hid her volcano because she didn't  want anyone to see her volcano that she had made. But her mum and dad said what are you hiding and Ayla said nothing and her mum and dad said tell the truth. Ayla said ok and she said she is doing some science ayla little sister called Paige said she has made a volcano and her mum and dad was  disappointed of her. When it was night Ayla went to sleep because she was tried and so sad because her mum and dad and sister are gone to down to the South Island to Queenstown to have a holiday for a week and Paige is coming back today and night and when mum and dad came home Ayla was gone to her friends home for a sleep over and she will ever come back. When it was morning Ayla and her friend were gone to Rainbow Ends. When it was over they went to a hotel and they had fun the whole day.


Last Friday in room 15 we made milkshakes.  First we put in the milk into the electric blender then the peaches and the vanilla ice cream. When it was done we drank it. When it was finished we had to clean it and bring it back to our class other wise we will break it or lose it and that is why we have to bring it back. When we bring it back to class we put it in the back in the sink and go back to our work. When our work was done we had to pack up for home time.  When it was three o’ clock we went home.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

What a disaster

WALT:  I am learning how to make inferences .
I can use my knowledge of vowel patterns to help decode unknown words"

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Maths week 7

We are learning to:
Add over the ten
Know my bonds to 10
Read four digit numbers


WALT:  We are learning about the changes in matter.  

What ingredients did we need to make mousse?
Milk,mousse mixture,dissolved powder, strawberry 

What happened when we added the ingredients?
When we added the powder to the milk the powder sat on top.  We had to mix it fast with a electric mixer then it turned into liquid. After we stirred for a while it went hard and turned into a solid.

What did we learn?
We learnt how to change it but it can not go back to liquid again.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Maths week 6


Yesterday Room 15 went to the Pavilion to learn about chromebooks.  We were learning about dinosaurs and Mr Moran told us to stop near the end to play maths games.  I played games  with my buddy. After that my buddy called Levonah said do you want to watch Manaiakalani Film Festival and I said yes. Levonah went to her friend to play some games and they played fireboy and watergirl. It was fun and I can't wait to use a chromebook next year!

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Maths week 6

WALT:  We are learning to use our basic facts knowledge to solve multiplication problems

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

The dolphins

WALT:  I am learning how to make inferences .
I can use my knowledge of vowel patterns to help decode unknown words

Monday, 14 November 2016


On Friday it was athletics and my group did the high jump and the parachute. When the athletics were finished we went to lunch to eat. When lunch was over we went to the court because we were going to watch the relays. When we watched the relays we saw Mia's uncle race in the blue team and we cheered for him. When the relay was finished we went back to class to pack up the class. After we packed up we went back home to have some rest because we were tired.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Maths week 5

WALT:  We are learning to use our basic facts knowledge to solve multiplication problems

Manaiakalani film festival

Yesterday the whole of Point England School went on the bus to Sylvia Park to the Manaiakalani Film Festival.   We saw the presenters there first and when we got there we saw the big screen and it was so big. When we saw our movie first we need to see the presenters before we see our movie.  When our movie started we saw ourselves performing on the big screen. When our movie was done we started clapping and we saw another movie. And we saw the bright lights. When the movie was finished we went back to school to have morning tea and lunchtime and have some fresh air because we were hot in the movie theatre. When we got back we had morning tea and had a drink. It was fantastic at the movies. We went on the bus back to school.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Candlenut trees

WALT:  I am learning how to make inferences .
I can use my knowledge of vowel patterns to help decode unknown words

Friday, 4 November 2016

Halloween haunted house

Once upon a time there was a haunted house with skeletons and zoombies. They were creepy and scary. They were going outside to do Halloween they went to a house and it was so scary they put some scary pumpkins on the gates. They had to sale costumes. When they went they had lots of lollies they went back home because they were tried.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Maths week4

The experiment

WALT:  I am learning how to make inferences .
I can use my knowledge of vowel patterns to help decode unknown words

Monday, 31 October 2016


Halloween is big and fun because you get to dress up as anything you want. I am going to dress up as a witch.  You get bags of candy and lollies but make sure that you are with parents and trick or Treating. When we go we need to stay safe so we can't get lost and never run away. When our parents are worried they look for you. When you are safe with your parents and big brothers and sisters and cousins. When you are safe you have to listen before you go trick or treating.  If you don't be safe your cousin of brother and sister will be so worried and look for you the whole time and if they find you they will not be worried again and you have to stay safe.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Taking to bat man

WALT:  I can use multiple sources to form an opinion.
I can use my knowledge of vowel patterns to help decode unknown words

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Maths week 3

WALT:  We are learning to make 10 first when adding two numbers