
Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Kia Mau Tonu Te Tumanako ( Never Lose Hope ) Flag

This is my flag for the Easter Learning Journey.
In this flag it has Kia Mau Tonu Te Tumanako which means Never lose hope, In the Stars it has different words to keep you going, being kind to your siblings, being positive during the isolation and also encouraging others to try their best when they are struggling on with their school work. 

Auckland City Things/Where Would I like to go? Day 1 Monday

Activity three:

One: I would like to go to the sky tower because on the top you can jump off it, there is also a restaurant in there, when you look down on the glass it looks like you are going to fall. You can also see the other buildings in Auckland city.

Two: Another place I would like to go to is Davenport again with my family and have lunch, you can also enjoy the boat ride there.

Three: The last place I would like to go to the rain forest because I want to explore nature and also walk along the long bridge and also enjoy nature.

Easter Learning Day 1 Activity Two

Activity Two:

Rugged Pioneers
New Zealand's European Pioneers were also brave, rugged and independent. Before establishing farms and settlements, they first had to clear the land a painstaking and sometimes dangerous activity Their Isolation and exposure to the elements forced these early New Zealanders to become hardly multi skilled.

This resourcefulness and ability has greatly contributed to the New Zealand. The same qualities can bee seen in the new pioneers a generation of young kiwis business executives computer software builders film makers fashion designers and sportspeople making waves around the world.

Backyard Genius
Since before Sir Ernest Rutherford split the atom early in the twentieth century. Kiwis has been discovering and inventing things, Many of these inventions have literally been created in a backyard. While frozen meat, the Hamilton Jet Boat, and the bungy jump are probably our most famous Kiwi inventions, there are many others. 

New Zealanders are also responsible for the tranquilliser gun seismic base isolators, rubber and lead block with minimise earthquake damage, electric fences, the fastest motorbike in the world, freezer vacuums pumps,stamp vending machine, wide toothed shearing combs, and the electronic petrol pump to name a few.

Kiwis love the great outdoors
For the same reasons that many visitors come to New Zealand, kiwis have developed a passion for the outdoor and delight in activities that make the most of the spectacular landscape.

With so much coastline it's little wonder New Zealand love the water and it's reputed that over 15% of New Zealand families own their own boat respected as superior yacht designers, kiwis continue to dominate on the world yachting,Kayaking,Windsurfing and Row Scene.

Hiking,Camping,Fishing bush beach walks are other popular outdoor pursuits.The more intrepid take to the mountains following footsteps of perhaps the most adventurous kiwi, Sir Edmund Hillary who conquered Mount Everest, the worlds highest mountain in 1953. 

Monday, 30 March 2020

Easter Learning

Activity One:

I would like to take this book around with me while visiting every place in Aotearoa. In this book is a girl named Paloma, she went to Mexico with her mum Paloma was writing down notes about her dad on a card because anything that her mum tells her about her dad she will grab her note card and pen and write it down....She met a girl named Lizzie and a boy named Gael, she also met another boy named Tavo and his parents. Paloma is helping Lizzie and Gael find Frida Kahlo Peacock Ring. 

Walliamson and Cowley Wk 8 The Bushfire

Task Description: This Work was from last week. I did this when I took a day off from school because I was sick, Since were on isolation, team 5 have been meeting up with each other because school is closed/lockdown. We have been having Meetings with each other. This is work from Literacy.

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Te Whare Tapa Wha/Covid 19 isolation edition

Task Description: We have been learning about Whare Tapa Wha... This one is called the Te Whare Tapa Wha Covid 19 Isolation Edition because of the corona virus happening all over the world.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Blog Header

Task Description: This is my blog header I made on a google drawings to show my identity. I inculded my flags, food I like, sports I like and other things, this is a little more things that you need to know about me, some of things might be in my about me writing, or in my whare tapa wha.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Wk 7 Reading/Maui/Literacy

WALT: Recognise how an author paints a picture with words.

Task Description: This week we have been reading the book about Maui, the Walt explains how to recognise how the author describes the painting with words. At the end of this slide is some information about the Maui Dolphins.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Year 7 Team Buliding

Task Description: Today I worked in a group of 5, we had to make a form and write what places the year 7 would like to go to when the year 8's are gone to camp. We had 22 options for our places, we had 15.8 % for Spookers,Lazer Tag,Movies and Rainbow Ends.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Six Sentences Story

1.  Once upon a time on a sunny hot morning, I felt like going to Long Bay Beach, so then I changed into my swimming togs, I grabbed my clothes and put it on top of my togs. Next I rang my friend Leylani and asked if she wanted to go to Long Bay Beach and she accepted it, so then I packed my spare clothes and my towel to get dried in and to get change into. After that I went to the Car and went to Leylani House. I picked her up and then we went to Long Bay Beach.

2. When I got to Leylani house, she was already outside waiting so then I yelled out β€œ Hop in the car we are going” So then Leylani came in the car and we drove off to Long Bay Beach it was a long way to Long Bay Beach.

3. As we were still driving we stopped at Countdown to get some food
and some drinks, the food we got was Chips, Donuts, and much more
food, the drinks we got were Tropical Juice,Apple Juice, Orange Juice
and some Fizzy Drinks. Then we went to the check out to pay for our
food and drinks, next we went back in the car and drove off.

4. As we arrived at Long Bay Beach we unpacked the car and then we put
all our drinks in a cooler and our food/snacks in a big shopping bag.
Next we went to go and find a spot to sit. We found a spot with
shade and so then we went to that spot, we went to the toilets
to put on our togs and then we went back out to our spot, as we
sat down we grabbed out some snacks to eat we ate for 10 minutes
and then we started talking for about 5 minutes and then we went
to the water. Leylani and I went to the water and we started swimming,
until Leylani went out further and she got surrounded by Sharks.

5. Leylani got so terrified because she couldn’t get out from the
surrounded Sharks, she was screaming because it was really big
sharks that she didn’t know what to do. She was also drowning in
the water and it was getting worse because more  sharks were coming
in and she was screaming even louder which hurt my ears. Leylani felt
that way because it was really scared of sharks and it was her worst fear.

6. So then I went out of the water and went looking for lifeguards
to get her out of the water, it took me so long because there were
hardly any lifeguards on the beach so then, I waited for the lifeguards
at the same time I was panicking, around 5:15 lifeguards were there.
So then I asked them if they could save my friend Leylani,
they answered β€œ Yea sure we’ll save your friend”, so then they rushed
off to find Leylani in the ocean. About 6:23 Leylani was out of the
ocean and I was so happy that she was still alive but she got bitten on
the leg from the Shark, so then the Lifeguard bandaged her leg.

Monday, 16 March 2020

My Choose It Narrative

Choose It Narrative

Once upon a time, on a sunny Friday Morning I was swimming so far from home that
I didn’t know where I was going. I was in the middle of the ocean. I saw a big rock ahead,
I swam to the rock and then I jumped out of the ocean and on the rock. I stayed
on the rock for a few minutes, the sun was shining so bright that I was getting
burnt from the sun. so then I hopped back in the ocean and swam off. As I was
swimming I saw my worst enemy, the 2 big fat sharks, so I went back the other
way, as I was swimming I was so tired that I didn’t know which way I came from.
So then I went in different directions and I came back to the same spot, so then
I went back to the big rock and slept there for the night. The next morning
I woke up and then I went back in the ocean, and went to the direction that the sharks were at,
apparently the sharks were not there so then I swam on I got caught up in the big fishing net, I
tired to get out but I couldn’t so then I saw other Mermaids swimming having some fun,
so then I called out to the other Mermaids and asked them for help. So then they came and tried to get me out of the big fishing net, it took so long for them to get me out because it was a really big fishing net and it was hard to open as well. Next came two big fat sharks which were my worst enemy and I couldn’t stand staying in the big fishing net with the Sharks because if they eat me I wouldn’t make it out of the big fat fishing net. A few minutes later little fishes came in and it couldn’t help it I wanted to get out. But I couldn’t because the ropes/net were pretty strong that none of us could rip open so that we could be free, next the fishermen were pulling up the big net, and I started yelling because I didn’t want to leave my kingdom and I knew it wasn’t the best thing I did, and then the Mermaids and Merman's started doing their plan to how to get us out of the big fishing net.  They grabbed some things and tried cutting the big net, one hour later we got out and the fishermen pulled their net back up and then the boat went off empty handed and I was happy that I was free, but there was only one thing to do say sorry to my parents that I was not home and that I missed out on Mermaid school. So I swam off back to the Kingdom and as I got there I entered the gates and there it was my parents angry face was not happy with me , so then I got in big trouble and I had to discuss it with my parents why I wasn’t back and why I missed out on Mermaid school. I had to explain everything I had to tell them twice because they were not happy with me, after I had explained why I was not home they accepted my apologies and they let me go to my room and have a sleep for the next morning. As I woke up my parents were in my room and they told me to do all the chores because I didn’t do it yesterday or the day before yesterday, it was a really boring day because I had to do the chores all day and I was not happy about it was managed to get all the chores done.

Task Description: Last Week I finished my Narrative Writing, I had to tell my Literacy class because I got picked to stand up and tell my story to the class.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Wk6 Whare Tapa Wha/My Family Strength

Task Description: Today I worked in a Buddy, My Buddy was Jayah and he is related to me we had to talk about what our Family Strength is, and our Family Strength is Taha Wairua because we believe in God and Jesus. Taha Wairua is the meaning of Life, Appreciating Nature and your Religious Beliefs. This is our Strength because we love God and Jesus and we look up to them because they are the star to us. Please Leave a Positive Comment

Wednesday, 11 March 2020


Task Description: Division is the same like Multiplication it has different ways at the end of how I solved it.

Friday, 6 March 2020

My Homework


Right Place

Task Description: Today I started off with my Right Place work and it tells you what place your allowed on at the right time, and it also tells you what site I was on because it was the last slide, and it was when I was posting my create task/digital dig.

My Create Task

Task Description: So this is my Digital Dig Create Task and this is in my Digital Dig slide it has different advice for those who goes on dodgy sites.

Digital Dig

Task Description: Today I finished my Digital Dig and it was during my F.I.O.P, it was about cybersmart and it has different things like Right Click and other things on the slide.

Wk 5 Explanation Writing

Task Description: This is my explanation writing I chose on picture from the task and it was the first picture I chose, it is about the camp I was at with my mum and my two brothers it is about what we did at the Camp, it was pretty fun there, they had fun activity it was the best camp, and it was fun with my mum and my brothers, my dad couldn't make it because he was at work. But we still had face time with him.

Whare Tapa Wha/Word Art

Task Description: Today Miss Moala Challenged us to listed how many words as we could about the Whare Tapa Wha, and then we got to have fun and make it into a word art and we also got to choose different designs on our Word Art.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Cowley Wild Things

Task Description: So today I started with my reading and I finished it, this book is about Wild Things the characters in this book are Fleur her sister and her dad, so in this story Fleur her sister and her dad went to this house and they were standing at the bach, in this story Fleur and her sister were trying to catch a possum to train it has Fleur pet or make a pie with the possum. But Fleur sister didn't want to do anything with the possum

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

My Whare Tapa Wha

Task Description: Today I finished my Te Whare Tapa Wha and it has the four different walls on it like Taha Tinana, Taha Hinengaro, Taha Whanau, and Taha Wairua. It explains different things about me

Wk 2 Multiplication Task

Task Description: So this week we had to do this Multiplication Task, it is about Multiplication in this and at the end of the is a word, which we had to type in with the numbers from the previous slide.

Multiplication T1W3

Task Description: Today I finished my Week 3 Multiplication Work it has hard times tables on it and it has large numbers like hundreds and tens on the Multiplication.

Monday, 2 March 2020

Wk 1 Dmic

Task Description: This is my Week 1 Dmic Work and I had to work in a group of four, it is about how many money Mr Burt has to pay and that the whole school has to bring 5 dollars to help pay for the costumes for fiafia