Thursday, 30 April 2020
Literacy Class Activity
Task Description: This is my learning for this week and we had different activities to do. Activity 4 has a letter to my grandparents but I have no photos of them which is really sad.
Online Schooling,
room 1,
Team 5,
Whaea Kelly,
Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Activity Five: BIG LEARNING
Activity Five:
What’s your ‘BIG LEARNING’ from having
to stay home during this Lockdown?
to stay home during this Lockdown?
List here what you have learned
( About yourself, whanau, culture,
school, community etc.)
( About yourself, whanau, culture,
school, community etc.)
School: What I learnt on the online
schooling my home class teacher was
about the earth, this term we are learning
about the earth, and what I learnt is that
there are 3 layers of this earth which are
Core,Mantle and Crust.
schooling my home class teacher was
about the earth, this term we are learning
about the earth, and what I learnt is that
there are 3 layers of this earth which are
Core,Mantle and Crust.
About Myself: What I learnt about myself
is that I need to go to sleep earlier instead
of going to sleep around 1:00 in the
morning or 12:00 in the morning, I need to
sleep earlier because I also wake up late
when it is school week.
is that I need to go to sleep earlier instead
of going to sleep around 1:00 in the
morning or 12:00 in the morning, I need to
sleep earlier because I also wake up late
when it is school week.
Whanau: What I learned with my whanau
is how to bake, my mum already knew how
to bake but I wanted to help with my mum
with the baking, we were baking muffins
and they were so delicious when it was
finished baking in the oven, I got one
out and I burnt my finger.
is how to bake, my mum already knew how
to bake but I wanted to help with my mum
with the baking, we were baking muffins
and they were so delicious when it was
finished baking in the oven, I got one
out and I burnt my finger.
Culture: I haven’t been learning about
my culture lately but I still know how to
speak it and understand it. I know heaps
about it as well.
my culture lately but I still know how to
speak it and understand it. I know heaps
about it as well.
Community: So in my bubble I have my
parents, my three siblings and next
door neighbours we have been in
contact nearly everyday.
parents, my three siblings and next
door neighbours we have been in
contact nearly everyday.
Message to both my parents mum and dad/Activty four
Activity Four:
A message to your grandparents
Dear Nana & Papa: Talofa Lava Nana how are you?
How is your lockdown going with all the loud kids
there with you in samoa? Here in New Zealand my
bubble is going perfect, I’ve been doing my learning
and posting my work on my blog. Also a massive
thanks for your birthday letters you have given to
me throughout my birthday years. I also hope you
are doing okay.
How is your lockdown going with all the loud kids
there with you in samoa? Here in New Zealand my
bubble is going perfect, I’ve been doing my learning
and posting my work on my blog. Also a massive
thanks for your birthday letters you have given to
me throughout my birthday years. I also hope you
are doing okay.
Talofa Papa how are you? How is your lockdown
going there in Australia? Here in the bubble me
and mum have been doing a lot of things like
doing the chores, crafts, some talking/funny things.
I hope you are doing okay there in australia, how is
your bubble going?
going there in Australia? Here in the bubble me
and mum have been doing a lot of things like
doing the chores, crafts, some talking/funny things.
I hope you are doing okay there in australia, how is
your bubble going?
Dear Nana and Papa: Talofa Nana how are you?
How is your lockdown going there in Samoa with
the little naughty ones? In New Zealand our bubble
is going good, Dad is working because he is an
essential worker and he is doing okay as well.
I hope you are okay there in samoa.
How is your lockdown going there in Samoa with
the little naughty ones? In New Zealand our bubble
is going good, Dad is working because he is an
essential worker and he is doing okay as well.
I hope you are okay there in samoa.
Talofa Papa How are you? How is your bubble
going there in heaven? Here in our bubble is good
and awesome we have been doing some baking
colouring and much more things.
going there in heaven? Here in our bubble is good
and awesome we have been doing some baking
colouring and much more things.
Activty Three/Writing
Activity Three:
Quotations are commonly printed as a means
of inspiration and to invoke philosophical
thoughts from the reader.
of inspiration and to invoke philosophical
thoughts from the reader.
“ Clear the table, We need to start walking to school.”
Clear the table: It is cleaning the table by wiping
it and putting the things on the table away to
where it goes or it either goes in the rubbish bin.
it and putting the things on the table away to
where it goes or it either goes in the rubbish bin.
We need to start walking to school:
They are in a hurry because the girl might
be late to school and she will miss out on a
little bit of her learning that her teacher will
be talking about.
They are in a hurry because the girl might
be late to school and she will miss out on a
little bit of her learning that her teacher will
be talking about.
“ Green eyes are beautiful like the sea.”
Green eyes are beautiful like the sea:
It is someone saying that your eyes look
so pretty that they don’t want to stop looking
at your eyes because of the colour ( Green ).
It is someone saying that your eyes look
so pretty that they don’t want to stop looking
at your eyes because of the colour ( Green ).
“Being a school captain is an honour”
Being a captain is an amazing opportunity
because you can lead things when school
events come up.
because you can lead things when school
events come up.
“What’s up?” Issac asks.
What’s up is like what have you been up to or what have you been doing.
It is like two persons having a big punch and kicks when they are mad at each other for something they have done to each other.
“I have to go” ( P.E )
Someone going to their next rotation for the day, ( that person has to go before their teacher arrives ). P.E is a fitness thing that kids do during their rotation, it is running,swimming,jumping and other things that relate to fitness.
Tuesday, 28 April 2020
Activity Two/Writing
Activity Two:
(Prime Minister Jacinda says you can choose
2 places you want to visit outside your bubble.
2 places you want to visit outside your bubble.
What would those places be?)
My first place I would like to go to is probably Waiheke
Island because I would like to experience more of the
island, like the beaches and much more that is on the island.
My Second place that I would like to visit is the Sky
Tower because I would love to jump off the top of it,
and also experience what it would be like to jump off.
Tower because I would love to jump off the top of it,
and also experience what it would be like to jump off.
Task Description: This is activity two for writing, these are the two places I would love to go to and this is also the reasoning why I would like to go to these places.
T2W3 Writing Activity One
If you Activity One:
Introducing my bubble
( If you had a choice, who would you choose to
have in your bubble).
have in your bubble).
This is my first choice of who I would choose
to be in my bubble is my parents and siblings
because they have been with me all my life and
they also have looked after me as well.
My second choice would be my Nephew Azahn
and Niece Jayah because here at home it is
really boring and when they are here it is loud
and it is also funny when Jayah and Azahn come over.
My last choice would be probably a puppy
because I would love to have a pet to play with
while I am bored.
Task Description: This week for literacy/writing Whaea Kelly has made a slide show for writing, so we have 8 acititvies to do for writing, and this is acitvity number one.
Monday, 27 April 2020
Saturday, 25 April 2020
Anzac Poppy
Task Description: This Poppy represents those who fought for us in the army. The Poppy helps us remember them because, they had took their lives to keep this country safe.
Friday, 24 April 2020
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Monday, 20 April 2020
Walliamson and Cowley Week 1/2 Reading
Task Description: This is my reading for term 2, I have been hopping on the meetings so that I know what to do while lockdown and while Team 5 is doing Online Schooling.
Online Schooling,
Whaea Kelly
Tuesday, 14 April 2020
Lockdown Diary 24
Drafts...... This is my drafts that I did a few days ago even though i just posted my other page which i just finished today....
Lockdown Diary 23
Task Description: This is page 23 for my lock down diary this is what is in my pantry and much more other things my pantry is mixed with all the plates and bowls and other things.
Monday, 13 April 2020
Lockdown Diary 22
Task Description: This is what I did today the first picture is a paper and pencil I was doing a little writing/mucking around with the writing. The second picture is stars, this is crafts I made a 3D Star, with paper and Glue. The 3 picture is legs I was running outside because my brother was chasing me, the last picture is the dishes which I had to pack away during my chore time.
Lockdown Diary page 21
Task Description: This is what my mum
says about me being stuck with her.
When she does her Crafts I would
always join in and watch how she makes
it and when I start and there is
something by me she needs she asks
politely and I do it. 2 or three days
ago me and my mum were still awake
around 12:00 0r 12:30am which is so
early in the morning I cleaned the
kitchen did the dishes and also dried
them once I finished drying every
piece of dirty dishes.
says about me being stuck with her.
When she does her Crafts I would
always join in and watch how she makes
it and when I start and there is
something by me she needs she asks
politely and I do it. 2 or three days
ago me and my mum were still awake
around 12:00 0r 12:30am which is so
early in the morning I cleaned the
kitchen did the dishes and also dried
them once I finished drying every
piece of dirty dishes.
Thursday, 9 April 2020
Lockdown Diary page 20
This is page 20 for my lock down diary the word is Kind and this message goes to my parents because they are working hard for me and my siblings to not catch the Corona Virus. My dad is an essential worker which means he is trying not to catch the Virus.

If you want to know how to make to a Bunny Click on the link Here on the word Bunny's
Please Leave a Positive Comment on how you went with making your Bunny.
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
Lockdown Diary Page 19
This is page 19 for my lockdown diary which means I just need 10 more pages to finish. Out side I could her Birds Chirping they are also standing on my neighbours roof waiting for me and my mum to feed them. I could hear Motorbikes and Cars passing by as well. I could also hear the wind blowing the trees which is making noises as well, I can hear also my family voices even though they are in the lounge and me in the room finishing my work.
I could hear different sounds from different people as well.
( Drafts) Lockdown Diary page 17
This is my drafts this is what I did today.
Lockdown Diary,
Online Schooling,
Room one,
Tem 5
Lockdown Diary page 16
Things you need for the flower: Pva Glue or any type of glue, Your Tissue or Toilet Roll (It sounds funny I know), Scissors.
Steps on how to make it: Cut the roll into straight lines, ( You can use the pen to draw the line),
Next you cut the line into four pieces, then you grab your glue and glue each side like this:
then you grab one of the cardboard stick it on, grab the other one stick it on. The last piece you grab it then you grab your glue you put the glue on one side like this:
then you stick it on with the rest of the pieces. then you wait about 15 or 20 or 25 minutes for the glue to dry and there you have it your own flower....
You can spray paint your flower,Paint it,or colour your flower so it look beautiful.
Lockdown Dairy page 15
If I went for a walk with my family I would remember these things.
The teddy bear on the window.
the strong wind blowing.
There is a lot of nature surrounding me and my family while walking along the path.
That there are cars parked outside people's houses and that there are cars going along the streets.
Lock down dairy page 12
This is page 12 for my lockdown diary, this is my Favourite song to listen too.
Family Tree: Easter Learning Journey Week2 Day 6
Big Family!!:D
My Dad side is small his Family is quiet sometimes and sometimes loud, he grew up in Siusega. He grew up with 8 siblings including hime that is 9 all together he is the youngest in his family, his dad my grandpa past away before I was born which means I didn't have time to meet him, but in 2016 I went to Samoa and visited his grave stone, my brother Wesley looks like him. My Grandma which I met already is still alive and she is a good woman when I went to Samoa last year everytime I woke up she would be already cleaning the house and also cleaning outside.
I grew up with 3 siblings, but my other brother live's in Samoa which I don't see him much. My brother Toetu can sometimes be annoying and I also annoy my brother Wesley.
My Dad hasn't met his Nana and Papa from both his mum side and dad side.
My mumhas met them I think I'm not sure if she has or not.
This Easter Learning Journey has got me hype because I just love doing this I wonder what the Week 2 Easter Learning Journey is going to be??. This is a fun activity to do while on the holidays.
Why I have the charger is because when I am doing the slide deck of the Easter Learning Journey my Chromebook would be either on 10% or 5% which is crazy!!!
Extra-Text Message
Covid-19 has been spreading around the country, people is not taking this virus seriously. On the New's the crusaders team were outside training they were touching one ball which they were kicking with their feet. People in New Zealand needs to take this seriously.
Monday, 6 April 2020
Lockdown Diary Page 8
This is page 8 for my lock down diary this is a note for me in the future and what it would be like to be an older child from a Samoan family. When I'm older and I go overseas I would be able to cook for the family and do all the chores for both my mum and dad family so that they don't struggle.
Sunday, 5 April 2020
Lockdown Dairy page 7
This is my movie day page 7. Me and my mum and two siblings watched movies and tv while my dad was at work.
Saturday, 4 April 2020
Lockdown Diary, 5
Task Description: This is another post of my lock down diary, this is what we had for dinner I forgot to mention the meat that we had as well. We also had rice on the side with a cup of water. Comment your Dinner/Positive.
Friday, 3 April 2020
Lockdown Diary 4
Task Description: This is my Lock Down Diary Number 4. This is what is outside my window but there is much more but I couldn't fit the other things so I just did this much things. Please Leave a Positive Comment about your view from your bedroom window.
Easter Learning Journey/Day 5 Poster
Task Description: This is my poster about Corona Virus, this is for the Easter Learning Journey I had joined. This Virus is getting worse than ever, New Zealand number is 723 and recovers are 92 and deaths are 1. This number of people that has the Corona Virus is getting higher and higher. Make sure to Stay Home/Stay Safe, Only one person from your family goes Shopping.
My Lockdown Diary 3
Task Description: This is Lock Down Diary 3, it tell my feelings It is boring here at home, I want to go back to school and see my friends, but at the same time it is fun because my brother Toetu makes me laugh..
Lockdown Diary,
Online Schooling,
Room one,
Team 5
My Lockdown Diary 2
Task Description: This is another part of my Lock Down Diary these are the people who are in my bubble and who lives with me I live my my mum and dad and my two siblings, my other sibling Daniel has his own house and kids one of them is in my class Jayah and my older sibling lives in the islands. I live with 4 people in my house.
My Lockdown Diary
Task Description: This is my Lock down Diary what ever I finish on my Lock Down Diary I will be posting it. So I had to draw myself in my bubble, I traced this on a google drawings because I didn't have a printer.
Thursday, 2 April 2020
Floor Deck/Back home for a moment
Task Description: So this week the whole of team 5 are doing the Easter Learning Journey during our isolation. This is Day 4 for the Easter Learning Journey and we had to create a floor deck and this is mine, my house look small but it is kind of big.
Wednesday, 1 April 2020
Travelling to Places in Auckland
Out of all of the places, we got to choose of out Rangitoto,Tane Mahutah, Karekare which is all.
Rangitoto: Rangitoto is a volcano in New Zealand, it is also extinct did you know that Rangitoto is the youngest Volcano out of all Volcano's in New Zealand. You have to take a boat to get to Rangitoto which is fun, Rangitoto is a good and sort of bad place to go to be next to or near to Rangitoto. (WHY?) it is because someone may fall in the Volcano which is bad, but the good thing is that you can enjoy hiking up the volcano and stop to take photos with the volcano, but at the same time make that you don't fall in the volcano, and don't forget your food because you might be hungry when you're on Rangitoto Island.
Tane Mahutah: Tane Mahutah known as the God of the Forest it is New Zealand's largest tree, it's a good place to take a trip on. You can have a nice walk and take pictures, Tane Mahutah tree is located in the Northlands. It's age which is unknown but is estimated to be between 1,250 and 2,500 years old which is amazing. It takes you about 166 m and a 5 minute walk, it is suitable for wheelchairs,buggies,and people of all abilities.
Karekare: Karekare is a place for people to have a walk around and enjoy the beach/waters. You can go for family events and also having to do some exercises, you can also take your horses there. Karekare location is 35 kilometres ( 22 mi ) West of Auckland city centre, South of the larger beach of Piha. It is north of Whatipu. Karekare is a popular destination for Aucklanders in summer, but receives fewer visitors than nearby Piha.
Safety Informations for Karekare: The Rips along this section of this coast are very unpredictable and can shift with little warning, and have caused a number of drownings. Lifeguards advise swimming between the red and yellow flags during patrol hours.
Rangitoto: Rangitoto is a volcano in New Zealand, it is also extinct did you know that Rangitoto is the youngest Volcano out of all Volcano's in New Zealand. You have to take a boat to get to Rangitoto which is fun, Rangitoto is a good and sort of bad place to go to be next to or near to Rangitoto. (WHY?) it is because someone may fall in the Volcano which is bad, but the good thing is that you can enjoy hiking up the volcano and stop to take photos with the volcano, but at the same time make that you don't fall in the volcano, and don't forget your food because you might be hungry when you're on Rangitoto Island.
Tane Mahutah: Tane Mahutah known as the God of the Forest it is New Zealand's largest tree, it's a good place to take a trip on. You can have a nice walk and take pictures, Tane Mahutah tree is located in the Northlands. It's age which is unknown but is estimated to be between 1,250 and 2,500 years old which is amazing. It takes you about 166 m and a 5 minute walk, it is suitable for wheelchairs,buggies,and people of all abilities.
Karekare: Karekare is a place for people to have a walk around and enjoy the beach/waters. You can go for family events and also having to do some exercises, you can also take your horses there. Karekare location is 35 kilometres ( 22 mi ) West of Auckland city centre, South of the larger beach of Piha. It is north of Whatipu. Karekare is a popular destination for Aucklanders in summer, but receives fewer visitors than nearby Piha.
Safety Informations for Karekare: The Rips along this section of this coast are very unpredictable and can shift with little warning, and have caused a number of drownings. Lifeguards advise swimming between the red and yellow flags during patrol hours.
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