
Friday, 28 May 2021

The Sun our Star - Inquriy/Science

Task Description: This week for Science/Inquiry we are learning more about the biggest star ( the sun ). 

Lunar Eclipse


Task Description: On Wednesday night around 11 pm the moon turned red. which is also called a lunar eclipse.

Fresh Fractions 1.2


Task Description: This Week for maths we are doing Fresh Fractions. 

Year 8 Leadership Camp.

 Year 8 Camp Experience. 

The year 8 leadership camp will be a memorable experience. 

Wednesday the 19th of May was the first day of the Year 8 Leadership Camp!. We all gathered in the school hall and Mrs Tele’a explained to us about the β€œO le ala i le pule o le tautua” ( To severe others in different ways). We got on two different buses, I was on the bus with the other team Thames, our drive to camp was 1.5 hours but it felt like 3 hours. 

On our first day of camp ( Wednesday ) we got introduced to a person named Zac. Zac explained our boundaries and some other things, everyone then walked to the camp hall and we played cross games. 

( Cross Games is a fun activity we did, all the teams had to make a chant, we had a ref off, and we also did some other activities ).

Our first night at camp was really terrible because the cabin I was in kept on talking and most of us girls in the cabin kept laughing. We had two or three teachers come to our cabin more than twice because my cabin kept talking. 

My first Highlight has to be  Go Karts because it was a fun experience to do. At first I was nervous to go onto the Go Karts, but my team Coromandel B was very supportive to each other and we all had a go even though we were all nervous to go on, everyone all had four turns on the Go Karts. 

My Second Highlight is Camp Search because ( Coromandel B ) worked as a team, we had a strong communication with each other, and even though we had a member in our team that was injured we never gave up. Our team was also very shocked of our time because we broke the record, Kauri team girls was coming with first with 23 minutes and our team 

( Coromandel B ) had won by 14 minutes. 

My third highlight would be the Polynesian dinner night, this is another highlight of mine because it was an enjoyable night. What I enjoyed the most about that night was the food and the karaoke we did. The food we had was Nachos. It was amazing !For dessert we had Churros and vanilla ice cream. This was my favourite highlight out of all . 

Year 8 leadership camp was a fun experience. The point of this camp was to step up and be a leader, to get out of your comfort zone and try new things you haven't tried before. 

I would like to Thank all the teachers / parents who gave up their time to let us Year 8s have a fun camp.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Kei hea a ? - Te Reo Maori


Task Description: Today for rotations we had Te Reo Maori with Ms Tipene in Rm5, we had to do ( Kei hea a , which stands for Where is ). Our task was to finish off the slides on the task. 

Facts about Neptune ( Homework Wk4 )


Task Description: This Weeks homework is to pick a planet that we don't know much about. We had to find out some facts about the planet which I chose "Neptune". Neptune is the eight planet from the sun, 

Monday, 24 May 2021

Fractions Wk4


WALT: basics of fractions.   Comparing fractions.

Year 8 Camp Post - Key Words


Task Description: Today in literacy we had to write a recount about the Year 8 Leadership Camp. We also had to go on a google drawings and write down the Key Words for Camp. We had this camp to step up and be a leader, this camp is to go beyond your comfort zone and be a leader.

Monday, 17 May 2021

Planet ordering ( smallest to biggest )


Task Description: This week for literacy we had to sort out the order of the planets from smallest to largest, Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and Mercury is the smallest planet. 

Solar system Reading.

Task Description: For reading we had to create a sentence to help you remember the order of the planets This task was pretty easy to finish. 


Friday, 14 May 2021

Fractions Wk2


Task Description: This week for Maths we are doing another fractions task. This maths work had improper fractions and also equivalent fractions.  

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Homework ! Wk2

Task Description: This week for our Homework, the whole of Team 5 got an task to do (Inquiry) We had to Create a Fact File about the Biggest Star !. These are some facts about the biggest star in our solar system. As in this whole term we are going to be learning more about the solar system and also the planets that are in the solar system!. 

Another thing we had for our homework was Spelling words, and some maths questions !.


Monday, 10 May 2021

Rotuma Information Report

Rotuman Language Week

Information Report

Rotuman Language Week Information Reports Noa’ia thats Hello in the Rotuman Language. My information report today will share with you some important facts about Rotuma. 
 Rotuma is located in the Southern Atmosphere. To the North of Rotuma is the island Tuvalu, East of Rotuma is Samoa, South is Fiji, and West is Vanuatu. 

 Population : Routmas total population is less than 2,000 (1,594) people. Within more living in Fiji ( Total 10,000 on Fiji ). 

 The Languages spoken on Rotuma are English and Rotuman. Sadly the Rotuman language is classified as endangered. There are now only 15,000 speakers of the Rotuman language in the world.

 The Rotuma and its language can teach us how important it is to hold onto what is our culture, language and heritage. Yes we move forward to succeed in life with changes in countries and languages. Rotuman people are showing the need to keep our language and cultures alive. To keep your culture alive you could maybe join a club or start a group and practice/learn more of your culture.

 Rotuman Language Supports : Shapes identity, On the United Nations endangered language list, Helps to succeed ancestors wishes for a better tomorrow.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Fractions - Maths


WALT: What are Fractions

Task Description: Today for Maths we are doing Fractions, We are learning Fractions for the whole of Term2, What Are Fractions you may be asking ? ( Fractions represent equal parts of a whole or a collection).

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Watch this space - Wk1


Task Description: This term theme is " Watch this space " which means for the whole term we will be learning about the planets / our solar system. 

Science #1

Task Description: For Inquiry we are learning about the Earth, and about the solar system and the planets . For our Lesson #1 we are doing planet earth. We had to fill out the KWL ( Know, Want, and also Learned). 

Star - Gazing, Reading // 5 Facts


WALT: Using my personal experience, world and literacy knowledge to make meaning from texts.

Task Description: Today for reading we are reading Star Gazing. This story is basically about a girl named Stella who went with the Jealous Star ( Mere ) to find a new home. This book ( Star Gazing ) is an interesting book !. Stella and Mere are out at space, finding a new home for Stella ( basically a new planet to live on ). They ended up getting nothing because Stella followed the seven stars of Matariki. 

WATCH THIS SPACE - Immersion Assembly

Yesterday was the first day of Term 2. Our theme for Term 2 is WATCH THIS SPACE.
 My Favourite part of the Immersion Assembly is the Team 2 Item because the Teachers knew the lyrics to the Rap, they also captured my attention to when they were dancing around with their planets !. P.E.S does these Immersions Assemblies because it tells us what we're learning about during each term. Thank you P.E.S Teachers !, What I Learnt during the Immersion Assembly is that Uranus is the Coldest Planet in our Solar System and that Venus is the hottest planet in our Solar System.