Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Friday, 7 December 2018
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Maths Independent Work
Today i have finished my maths so i know my timetables my whole class was finishing our work off so i decided to finish my maths.
Friday, 17 August 2018
Wednesday, 18 July 2018
My Holiday
On my holiday on Tuesday July the 18th in the morning I had to get ready because I was going out with my boxing trainer and after a little while at 10:50 I went down to the gym and waited for her and she came at 11:00 she told me and my other friends. I got one niece and their names are Jayah, Izon, Syriah-Lee, and last but not least Rayin. Meanwhile we were off and we went to the gas station and i buyed Skittles and buble gum. After that we were off again and we went to botany and we went Lazer Tag and Ice Staking and at Lazer Tag at the end of it i came 4th place and my friend Syriah-Lee came first place Jayah came second and my Trainer came 3rd. After that we went back down stairs and went ice staking and while i was staking i went off and buyed me some stuff from the shop i buyed Coke a lollipop and a super twist and fruit burst. While i buyed my stuff i was waiting for Syriah-Lee order and when she got her order we went back to the chairs and we had a little drink of our drinks and then we got back to ice staking when the light came on we had to get off because some people were having races. After the race had finish we had to wait so our trainer can tell us what time we are going to go and we had to leave at 3:30 so we got back on and at 2:50 i got off because my legs were hurting so when i got the stakes off i took them back to the skate person and then i went back and put my shoes on and sit down and watch other people staking on the slipping ice. Next my trainer told my friend to tell the others to come out because we were going to have a feed. Finally they got their shoes off and they grabbed there stakes and took them to the stake person and then we got out and crossed the road and we went to Mac Donald's and ate lunch and then we went in the car and started playing I spy and we were getting hard ones and then we arrived back to the gym and my trainer went back home because she was tried and we were playing some games and me and Syriah were prisoners and we pretend to have bad stuff in my pocket.
Bye! Hope you leave a positive comment.
Bye! Hope you leave a positive comment.
Sunday, 15 July 2018
Ace Family

The Ace Family is happy together Austin and Catherine have one daughter and they love her very so Every Family's in the world need to be like this love each other never had a fight just be happy don't let your family down don't let yourself down be happy with your family
Friday, 6 July 2018
Working together
Hi This is my worked and this is telling how we can work together and as you can see that there is a writing say how we can work together and listen to each other and by giving the person who is taking eye contact hope you enjoy it
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Clay Club at the Art Gallery
On Friday the 29th of June in the morning the students in Clay-Club went on a trip to the Auckland Art Gallery and there was 33 people plus Mr Vogt and Whaea Kelly. Leylani and Luisa and I were at the back of the bus and we were waving at the people that was in the car and people that was in the truck they waved back at us and we couldn’t stop waving at people and when we got to the city it was fun because we saw a lot of people in the city and they keep on looking at the bus and when we were looking around we saw the Auckland Art Gallery and the bus driver stopped next to the Art Gallery and we grabbed our 3 yellow boxes with our lunchbox and with our water bottles.
Then we went with a person named Jasmine Te Hira inside the Auckland Art Gallery and we had to put the 3 yellow boxes in the cupboard and then we had to warm up and when we got inside the Art Gallery then we went inside and went into our two lines then we went up the stairs and we went to the cardboard houses and we went up the other stairs and when we got up we meet Nigel, Ikoa, Jasmine and we sang a song named Ko Te Whaea and EIhoa and someone said a Mihi and then Rosie said some kind words in Samoan. After that we started with our tour around the Art Gallery we were looking at the clay and this man who lives in Wellington did it 2 months ago and he started making clay at 1988 and after we looked at the clay we went into two lines and I and my friends and some people was in my line and I went with Mr Vogt to look around and some of the others were with Jasmine and we were looking around the Art Gallery and we went to the cardboard houses and we saw some people that went to collage and we were talking to them and then we had to go because it was Morning tea and after morning tea we went to the special tree and it was slippery and i nearly slipped of the tree but i didn’t and i climbed up at the top and when i got to the top i saw people getting off then i got off the top and i went to the other side of the tree and i was faking that i needed help to get off and i was fake struggling and i got off and me Leylani and Nature were walking together and we were talking and then i ran to the stairs and i went to the side and then Leylani and Nature were following me. when i got to the end of the stairs i got out and then we had to go in two lines and i went to the water fountain and i got wet and my shoes was wet and my socks got wet and then i went in the line and Leylani and Nature kept on swapping lines and i looked and they started laughing then i started laughing.
Mr Vogt asked if anyone needed to go toilet and a lot of people went toilet and i went with Mr Vogt to get our 3 yellow boxes and i got one and i swapped with another girl and her one was heavy and i couldn't carry it and i gave it to someone else and i ran to the bus and i pushed in line and we had to high five Jasmine hand and i went to sit in the front and with Jasmine, Jerry, Luisa, Nature and Leylani and Luisa fell asleep and i was really tired and i couldn't stay awake and i fell asleep when we were singing and when we got to mission bay i woke up and i fell asleep again when we got passed the beach and i got up when we got to school and I got off and we showed Jasmine Makerspace and we gave her clay that we make it was a cup, bowl, and an ice block and we went to interview Jasmine and i got interviewed and i was nervous.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
The history of flying machines
Hi this is my history of flying machines at the end hope you enjoy my writing
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Asking questions
On Wednesday we had to make a spinner but we had to write our question and after we made our spinner we had to answer our own questions
Sunday, 10 June 2018
On one sunny day Rm11 went to the pools we went to the stage and had to take our uniform off and we to the seat and talked about river safety meanwhile when we had finished we went for a shower after we had a shower we went in a line and went to our swimming instructors and they had to write our names down and write our last names down. After we done that we had to grab a board and listen to what the instructors had to tell us what lesson we are going to do my favourite one that i did was the doggy paddle and the freestyle. Meanwhile when we had grabbed our board we had to do the normal swimming like always and when we all went to the island we had to go again one by one and after we all had got to the beginning we had to do doggy puddle and when i got to the island my legs was tired and i had to go again when we all got there and when i got to the beginning and i so tired and couldn’t handle it was so i was last when we got to do backstroke.
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Friday, 1 June 2018
Friday, 25 May 2018
Why is it important to be a good listener?
Why is it to be a good listener?
Being a good listener is by being quiet and don’t talk while the teacher is talking and listen so that you can get a good education so that you can get accepted for college when you grow up and if you listen you will get better at reading, writing, and maths and by listening is keeping yourself safe and if you listen to your teacher you will get better at your learning and listen so that you can have fun.
* Listen so that we can learn.
* Listen so that we can have fun
* Get a good education
* Get a good education so that you can get accepted for college.
* Listen so that you can get better at Reading, Writing and Maths
* Is to Stop Look and Listen for car
* Is to look at for cars before you cross the road
Being a good listener is by being quiet and don’t talk while the teacher is talking and listen so that you can get a good education so that you can get accepted for college when you grow up and if you listen you will get better at reading, writing, and maths and by listening is keeping yourself safe and if you listen to your teacher you will get better at your learning and listen so that you can have fun.
* Listen so that we can learn.
* Listen so that we can have fun
* Get a good education
* Get a good education so that you can get accepted for college.
* Listen so that you can get better at Reading, Writing and Maths
* Is to Stop Look and Listen for car
* Is to look at for cars before you cross the road
How to keep people out of your account
Friday, 18 May 2018
Air, air, everywhere
Here is my presentation about what I have learnt from our balloon and bottle experiment.
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Friday, 6 April 2018
My Panda Story
Where: China
When: Last year
What: Pandas drinking
Who: Pandas
Once in a country called China there was Baby Panda’s that was really hungry. So they were going inside going to the owner. So the owner was filling up the panda’s bowl. After when the owner who looks after the panda’s was drinking one panda had left because he was tried so he went to the owner and went to his bed. After when all the panda’s had finish the panda’s wanted to eat some food. So the owner had put some panda food in their bowl. After that she went back inside to eat dinner and go have a shower so early that morning the owner woke up and check on the panda’s and the panda’s were still asleep so the owner had to make them breakfast so once all of the panda’s had woke up they had went outside to go and eat breakfast so the first one to wake up was the one in the front row. So the owner had to wake up the others so that they could eat breakfast and go run around the field on the snow. After when they had eat they wanted to go inside but not outside because it was so so cold and when they got inside they wanted to go back to sleep because the owner had woke them up so early in the morning so that the owner had got them in bed and grabbed their blankets because it was cold and they couldn’t handle it and once the owner put the blanket on they were really comfortable so they had cuddle up and they had got really warm so in the afternoon they had woke up and had lunch they had healthy panda food. So once they woke up they wanted to play and run around the field.
Once in a country called China there was Baby Panda’s that was really hungry. So they were going inside going to the owner. So the owner was filling up the panda’s bowl. After when the owner who looks after the panda’s was drinking one panda had left because he was tried so he went to the owner and went to his bed. After when all the panda’s had finish the panda’s wanted to eat some food. So the owner had put some panda food in their bowl. After that she went back inside to eat dinner and go have a shower so early that morning the owner woke up and check on the panda’s and the panda’s were still asleep so the owner had to make them breakfast so once all of the panda’s had woke up they had went outside to go and eat breakfast so the first one to wake up was the one in the front row. So the owner had to wake up the others so that they could eat breakfast and go run around the field on the snow. After when they had eat they wanted to go inside but not outside because it was so so cold and when they got inside they wanted to go back to sleep because the owner had woke them up so early in the morning so that the owner had got them in bed and grabbed their blankets because it was cold and they couldn’t handle it and once the owner put the blanket on they were really comfortable so they had cuddle up and they had got really warm so in the afternoon they had woke up and had lunch they had healthy panda food. So once they woke up they wanted to play and run around the field.
Friday, 30 March 2018
Robot Rampage
Every weekend there was one job Hemi hated doing: mowing the lawns, He’d much rather be building his latest robot invention in the shed. That was it! What if Hemi could build a robot to mow the lawns? Hemi dad told hemi that the lawns had to be mowed this weekend and his big sister told him to do it but he said no. So Hemi had stayed up all night looking for some tools to make a robot so that hemi doesn't need to mow the lawns. Once Hemi had finished the robot he took the robot out of the shed and made it work and the robot had started to work and then it had mowed the lawn and hemi fell asleep and while the robot was finished mowing the lawn hemi woke up and the robot was gone.

Thursday, 29 March 2018
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Dictation race
Money money money precious found two gold coins on the field. Tristan found to silver coins on the court what a lucky day how much money could they have found?
They found 4$ 20c
So at the first precious found 3$
Then there was two 50c which made 1 dollar
So the one dollar made 4$
And there was 20c left
That made the answer
Today we did the dictation race the first thing we did was to pick a partner i had Deborah as my partner the next thing we did was to pick who was going be the writer or the reader I was the the reader and Deborah was the writer Deborah went to go get her Chromebook then we got started.
Friday, 23 March 2018
Sustainable Seas
This week my reading group and the whole class did this reading activity it is the Sustainable seas
Friday, 16 March 2018
First of all we all had to go to the hall with our daybag for the rest of the day. After that our camp teacher had to mark the camp roll to see if we are here or not here.
Next we waited for the others to arrive at the hall. So that everyone knows what to do at camp. So as Mr Somerville was talking he said that the trash bashers had to go kayaking and it had life jackets + some people fell off + it was cloudy and rainy + sunny + boat kayak + Mr Burt and the helpers + there was paddles + there was bumping rocks. After we had finish our kayaking we went back on the sand and listen to what Mr Burt says and after he had talked we had to go back on the grass and when we had go and wait for our camp teacher.

After that our camp teacher told us to jogg all the way to the gate and once we had all the way to the gate she told us to stop for her. After she had got to the gate she told us to be two lines so that we know where we are going and when it was night on thursday we had our concert. When it was our concert and the first group was the trash bashers.
Monday, 12 March 2018
Monday, 19 February 2018
About Me!
Hi my name is Leah. I am 9 years at old and I am a year 5 at Pt England School. My favourite subjects are Writing and Maths. I love being at Pt England School because it is an awesome school.
I was born in Wellington. I have 4 brothers and I am the only sister and I am an aunty of two and I have 1 sister-in-law. My favourite food is chicken and chips, McDonalds, Wendys, Burger king. My favourite place to go is my uncle and aunty’s house and I love to sleepover at my aunty and my uncle’s house. I have lots of friends and like to hang out with them. They are the best friends ever.
Sunday, 14 January 2018
Missing you 1st lady
Hi Guys hope you guys will like this song please
Friday, 5 January 2018
my new hair
Hey welcome to 2018 well yesterday I had cut my hair because my long hair was so heavy for me so I had asked my mum to cut my hair
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