
Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Ki-O-Rahi Writing

Who:  Rm1 and Rm 5
What: We played a Moari game named Ki-o-rahi
Where: On both of the school courts (Outside)
When: On Monday the 29th of June

Game 1: First Mrs Moala gave us a belt and
two different coloured tags and then
Tyson the teacher that was coaching us
taught us how to play and then he put
us in Taniwha or Kioma. My group was
in Kioma with green tags and the other
team Taniwha with purple tags.
Then we started the game and I
was put as the person to touch
the rubbish bins with some other
people that were in my class.
In the middle of the court the
two people from my team had to
protect the tupu so that the other
team didn’t get the point.
It was a tough game but we
still tried our best to get
the point for our team. Moui,
that person that was in our team but
he was meant to be in the other team,
had made us get points also Jayah,
we then got some points. This game
was a little hard because the year
8 boys were so competitive when they
were playing. We played for a while
and then we had to switch.
We had to defend the other group
from throwing the ball at the tupu
so that they didn't get any points.
As we were playing the yr 8 boys
then had to leave for their camp
meeting and we were now in the lead
because the yr 8 boys had left and
we had our opportunity to win.
We then won the game by 18 to 12
points and we were so happy about it,
after game 1 we had to go to game 2
on the other side of the school.

Game 2: After we went to play on
the other court and played again.
First we got one person on each team
to do rock paper scissors and we won so
we chose which team and we chose Taniwha
the other team was very good so we switched
and then we were Kioma and we were doing good
we got a few tries and lost then a few people
stayed behind and helped then we went back to class.

Thank you to Tyson and Mrs Va’afusuaga for
setting up Ki-O-Rahi. We really enjoyed playing it.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Decimal Dollars and Cents

Task Description: Today we were learning about Money with Decimals and with Number lines. This task was also from the students teachers from the university of auckland.

Adding Decimals

Task Description: This task was from the University Of Auckland Students Teachers, Mrs Moala my teacher has been teaching the students teachers of how to put things on the site for our maths. They have given us different work to complete

Origami Fish Create Task

Task Description: This is my origami fish for the create task, we made a fish because it was apart of our story that we read.  

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Can You Remember? Writing Decimals

Today we are working on a website from the University of Auckland Student teachers  the first thing we did is a doc named Can you remember, it was just a warm up for us to see if we can remember anything.

The Star Fishes

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Reading Scales

Ordering Decimals

Water Cycle Animation

Task Description: Today I have finished my animation about the water cycle, our topic was do to either volcano, water cycle or air pollution. The water cycle is apart of the hydrosphere, this process creates clouds in the sky, it starts raining when the clouds get too heavy. The reason why it gets to heavy is because the sun heats more and more water vapour which rises up in the air, the water cycle describes how the water evaporates from the surface of the earth, rises into the atmosphere, cools and condenses into rain or snow in clouds, and falls again to the surface as precipitation, this is how the water cycle works, and how the clouds get too heavy to make it rain.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Understanding Decimals

Task Description: This week for maths we are doing Decimals. We have been learning so much about Decimals,

Matariki Reading Task.

Task Description: The first thing we did today is that we did the what I already know, we had to write the things that we already knew about Matariki. We had to think really hard so that we put different things about Matariki.

After that we then had to read the book about it, I was in Rings and we had to read only 6 or 7 sentences over and over again, but then the rings group got told to read the hawks reading book.

After we read the book, we then had to do the What I learnt and write some things we read but in our own words. When we were finished with that, we had to do one of the writing task for today for a few minutes.

After we finished doing the writing we had to do What I knew. 

What I enjoyed about my isolation

What I enjoyed about my isolation
  • What i enjoyed about my isolation is drawing on the concrete with the chalk outside with my mum and brother.
  • The second thing I enjoyed during isolation is baking muffins and scones with my mum.
  • Te third thing I enjoyed is doing the Scavenger Hunt for our maths task with Jayah. 

Friday, 19 June 2020

Biosphere 2

Task Description: This is a new task about Biosphere 2.

We have been learning a lot about the earth.

Joseph Parker

Today in assembly we had a special guest come to our school and his name was Joseph Parker he also came with his sister.

In assembly Joseph Parker played the guitar, it sounded like he was playing a Spanish song. He then got to talk about some things, then he got to shake some other kids hands for the certificate.

After that we had to sing a song about Matariki. We had one round of singing then John Tangi went up to sing with Kitione and the year 7 John.

After the assembly Joseph Parker went out to the car park, and then Antzel one of the students in my class went up to Joseph Parker to sign is T-shirt or Hand, and then Jayah the other person got a bracelet from Joseph Parker even Antzel.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Blog Comments

Task Description: So today Rm 1 had to choose a coloured box to do and I chose Blog Comments and I did five people to comment on their blog

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Isometric Name

Task Description: Rm1 Maths Class had to draw there Name cut it out colour and glue it on paper (any colour) and then we had to outline it with a vivid.

And this is my name

Introduction to Decimals

Task Description: This week we are learning about Decimals. 
We are learning about different numbers in decimals as well.

Reflection of my Isolation

Reflection of my Isolation!!

My experience in my bubble/Isolation
was quite boring because I really had nothing
to do during the Isolation.

My favourite part of my Isolation was
making a bunny out of paper with my mum,
and also doing some drawings on the concrete
with the chalks with my mum and brother.

What I disliked about the Isolation is staying
home!!! Because there wasn’t much to do.

I sometimes went out of the house to go with
my mum and brother because I was too young
to stay home by myself.

Water Cycle Dance

Task Description: So Since we are learning about the water cycle we had to do a dance for the water cycle.

When Me, Kesaia, and Ouincess were dancing we were trying not to laugh, but we manged to not laugh during our dancing

Monday, 15 June 2020

Create Task/Our Blue Planet/Water Cycle/Reading

Task Description: This is a create task of the water cycle..

What I learned about the water cycle is that when the sun heats up the ocean or river the vapour of the water rises up in the air and then it turns into little droplets of water.

The little droplets of water then turns into cloud when more water vapour gets in the cloud it either starts snowing. hailing, raining, a storm starts and more things.

Choose it writing/Narrative

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Layla.
One morning as Layla woke up, she went for a morning
run to have fresh air Layla eyes then got caught in a forest
she had never seen before… Layla then shook her head and
the forest disappeared as she carried on running, the forest then
appeared once again. Layla then ran backwards to hop in the
forest, as she hopped in the forest it was like she was at Disneyland
it had different types of flowers, trees and many more forest things. 

She was amazed by how the forest looked, she had a look around
at the forest she then saw her school friends, she was wondering why
her friends were there as well. Layla ran up to her friends to ask how
they found the forest, her friends then told her the story.

β€œSo we were walking around the block and doing some shopping for
school supplies, we then walked past a forest then it disappeared and
when we walked back it appeared again and it was so confusing. So we
had to walk in it to see what it was like, we had a walk around the
forest, we tried to go out but we couldn't ....”

Layla made a bad mistake walking in the forest, her friends
told her something else her friends said β€œWe found a note card.
It gave us a clue for the other notes to get us out of here, they walked
in every direction to find other clues for the other note cards….

Layla and her friends kept on trying to find a note card to lead
them to the other card, they searched up and down for any other clues,
a few minutes later we found the clue!. We walked straight past it when
we were trying to find it, in the clue it said β€œLook up and down, make
sure to keep your eyes open for the next clue, I might be in the bush or
in the tree.” 

It ended there and they were confused they looked up
and down in the trees in the bush but there was nothing.
Layla then looked in the garden and she found clue three
inside it said, β€œGreat you found clue three, you need 5
more to get all 8 clues, to search for clue four I am high not
low but high.” It was getting dark and they didn’t
get time to look for clue four so they took a rest next
to the river, the next morning as they woke up they could
hear people walking past the forest without noticing it, they
yelled but no one could hear them or see the forest so they just
carried on with finding four number four.

As they were finding clue four they looked on the trees there was
nothing but then they looked high on the bush and it was there but
the clue was up high that they couldn’t reach it so they tried standing
on each other backs and shoulders but that didn’t work they tried
everything until one of Layla friend found a ladder. So they told
Layla to climb up the ladder because she wasn’t scared of heights
but the others were. So Layla climbed up the ladder and grabbed
the next clue, in the clue it said β€œYou have now found clue five I am
somewhere far from the entrance, you will need 3 more clues to get
the mystery key to get out of the forest. For clue six I am low on the

They searched in the same places again just in case there were more clues in the same spot. There weren't any clues so they had to make a decision to go far from the entrance of where they came from, it took them hours to find clue six they found a big mountain and they went up that mountain. They climbed up the mountain, they could see everything, they saw the main entrance, they saw rows of flowers, but they had to do something for them to get out of the forest……

It got dark but they couldn’t find the other clue so they camped on the mountain. They had some food to eat, but Layla wasn’t hungry at all; she was only thirsty for a drink, after that they went to sleep…… Morning came when they woke up, got everything sorted for clue six, Layla walked around the mountain and she found….. Clue six and they walked straight past it when they were walking around the mountain. Layla then shouted β€œ Guys I found clue six!!!!” Her friends then went running to her, and they were so excited because they wanted to go out of the forest because there was really nothing for them to do.

In the clue it said β€œ Clue six…. You just have to find clue 7 and clue 8, for clue 7, look even far from the mountain you are on right now, here is one more clue, the note is not white it is red…” 
The clue stopped there. They were tired of walking far and far, but they had no choice so they had to walk to get that second to last clue…

As they were walking to find the other clue Layla was getting distracted from the flowers on the ground and couldn’t help it so she picked out 10 flowers from the garden. Her friends kept on walking without her, so Layla stood up and ran all the way to the other mountain to see if clue 7 was there….. 
She did a few turn around to see if her friends were catching up to her when she was running, as she turned again she saw then running to her so she ran as fast as she could……

She did a few rounds round the mountain to find the clue and she found clue 7 on the floor and clue 8!, Layla was happy that clue 7 and clue 8 was by its side…… Layla opened clue 7 and clue 8 and they had the same words, so Layla looked behind clue 8 on the back to see if there was a different note written and there was…. She read it and it led her to the key to open the back door to get out.

As she opened the door she was happy and her friends were also happy….The End

Friday, 12 June 2020


Task Description: We have been learning about different parts of the spheres inside the earth and we did the Biosphere, and the Biosphere is about the living things on earth.


Congratulations to our Special
Principe Mr Burt.

Mr Burt thank you for all you have done for this
school, you have done an amazing job. You are such
a hard working job, we appreciate the things that you
and your wife have done for us to work online.
We are grateful for the things you have paid for us
to use during our school time. You have done so much
for our school. Thank you for everything..

Today during the assembly we had today,
there was a
special announcement,
there were some other people joined in the
assembly they spoke of how much work Mr Burt did,
Pisirina then did her speech to Mr Burt….
Aj then did a prayer and hunter after that Mr Burt
got some lollies lays and some necklaces, as the
prayer was over we sang a song ( Ufiufi Lou Agaga )
and Ka Waiata. There then was a haka.

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Multiplying and Division Integers

Task Description: Since we are learning about Integers we had a task for Multiplying and Division for this task

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Tech Toys/ Miss Ferguson

Task Description: So today at tech I am in Miss Ferguson class and we are doing graphics, in our class we do games and we sometimes draw in our class.

Adding Integers

Task Description: This week we are learning about integers and this is my task.

This task was kind of difficult to complete 

Air Pollution

Task Description: We are leaning about different spheres of the earth and today we are now learning about Air Pollution

Mount Taranaki

Monday, 8 June 2020


Task Description: Today me and my group Quincess, and Julia. What we did is that we had to watch a video of Maui and we had seven choices and we picked Maui and the Sun

Thursday, 4 June 2020


Tena koutou katoa Mihi ki te atua Mihi ki te mate Mihi ki te ora Tehei mauri ora Ko Maungarei te maunga Ko tamaki te awa Ko Waitemata te moana Ko Ruapotaka te marae Ko Ukutoia te papa Ko Leah Ahau He mihi whanui tenei ki a tatou katoa kia koe te rangatira e Jayah. Tena koe mo to mahi whakamoemiti ki to tatou matua i te rangi. He mihi aroha tenei kia koutou ki nga kaiako kia ora koutou katoa Ka huri au ki nga tauria kia ora koutou katoa. No reia tena koutou, tena koutou, tena ra tatou katoa.

Reading/Writing In the beginning.

Today in literacy we watched a sand artist tell a story on a
light board. 
In the beginning the man drew  an eye with his own
hands, he then drew a girl and a boy. The man then
drew something in the middle of the boy and girl,
the man on the light board then faded away,
the girl on the light board was then sad in
the picture. The man that was doing the drawing
then drew a tree and drew clouds, next then he drew
rain coming down, the man drew a man on the light
board blowing strong wind, the girl then faded away.
The man then rubbed out all the other drawings and
drew a tiki, the man then rubbed the tiki out.

The man drew a mountain, with a man in the picture,
next the man that was drawing rubbed out the mountain
and then drew One Tree Hill with a tree by its side or behind
the building. The man then rubbed out the man in the picture
and drew a frame for the One Tree Hill Picture.
The man then added more sand, and wrote

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Maths ( Properties of 3d shapes )

Task Description: So this week we are learning more about 3d shapes.

Taha Whanau

Task Description: Taha Whanau, so today we had to do a task about what game I played with my family and what game it was. So I played tag with my nephew during the lockdown