
Friday, 31 July 2020

Maths Whizz/Google Drawings

Task Description: Today every one in Room1 had to make a google slide for our Maths Whizz.
I am a Master at Maths Whizz which is the green ribbon which says Master, I also have four progressions from this week.
Our Goal every week is to get three progressions.

Myths Of the World

Whare Tapa Wha/Keeping On top of my well being

Task Description: Today we did a Whare Tapa Wha task of keeping on top of my well being. I've been helping my family throughout the weeks I need to stay positive when I sit next to the year 8s on my table.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

What's a Myth/What's a Legend

My Three Goals according to Literacy

Task Description: Here are my three goals for Term 3, the 1st goal is to move up in reading because I might be reading at a low level.
my 2nd goal is to be a better speller when writing or doing a test.
my 3rd is to be a better writer when it comes to narratives. 

Tuesday, 28 July 2020


Task Description: Today every person in Room 1 had to get in a group of 4 but I was in a group of 3 I was with Quincess, and Toni. We had to try and make a hexagon with the times on the sheet, there was also Military time on it.
What I have learnt about this is that Military time is similar to Standard time that we use. What I need to work on is telling time either on the clock or on the watch.

Friday, 24 July 2020

The Watcher of the south.

Task Description: Room 1 did a last rotation for the Myths and we learned about the Table Mountain in South Africa, We also had to learn some words to understand more of the story of the characters because they have hard names.
What I have learnt is that The Xhosa is a tribe who mainly live in the eastern cape. Djobela is the earth Goddess. The sun God is Tixo,Qamata created the earth but however the Great dragon was Jealous so they had a fight . Among this the giants appeared there was one who the strongest and the biggest . They had failed to fight the Great Dragon had killed of them. Qamata was injured he didn't want tell his Mother because he knew he was going to get in trouble. Later , The strongest Giant said to Qamata to make him a mountain. 
So nowadays the mountain in South Africa in the city or town called cape town. That is where the giants were laid.

My Myth Passport

Task Description: this is my myth passport I've done this week, team 5 has been going to different class rooms to learn about different myths. Our first myth we did was about Paul Bunyan with Mrs Moala Our Second myth we did was about the Blue Mountain in Jamaica with Whaea Kelly Our Third myth was with Mrs Stone and we learnt about Greek Mythology Our Fourth was with Mrs Ilaoa and we did a Cambodian Myth I wasn't here for our fifth Myth but I still managed to get the task completed Our last rotation was with Ms Tapuke and we did learnt about a South African Mountain which was the Table Mountain

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Dragon's Eye Lake

TASK DESCRIPTION: Today we learnt about the dragon eye lake which is based in CROATIA and is about an eye that fell out of a dragon and became a lake I made this poster to share what I learnt.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Turkish Delight

In my hand is a Turkish Delight.
I tried it and it didn't really taste nice

Cambodian Myth Of Lighting, Thunder and Rain

Task Description: Today we did another rotation and Room1 was with Mrs Ilaoa in Room 11 we are learning about the Cambodian Myth of Lighting, Thunder and Rain. We had a task do finish before we carry on to task 2 and this is Task 1.

This is Task 2 for the Cambodian task. These are some facts about it.

Greek Mythology

Task Description:  Today for inquiry we learnt about Greek mythology. We learnt about the different Greek gods, the Greek creation story and about Hermes, When Hermes was a baby he invited fire and lyre a harp See my story.

The Myth of Hermes

Task Description: Today for Inquiry we had to place the pictures in the right order we also watched a video so that we know what order the pictures go. We had to figure out what the order of the picture is.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Jamaica Blue Mountain

Task Description: Today in Inquiry we did Rotations and Room1 moved to Room 5 with Whaea Kelly. She explained to us about the task. In this activity we have learnt that people in Jamaica were dominated to be slaves, some people escaped and lived on the Blue Mountain where Coffee beans are made.

Monday, 20 July 2020

Paul Bunyan

Task Description: Today we have been learning about Paul Bunyan this is an amazing task we've done!.

Immersion Assembly


Today was the start of Term 3. There was an  Immersion Assembly at Pt
England School. 
Mr Burt shared facts about his life and his family's history.  Mr Burt and
his family  have travelled around the world and collected  different types
of hats. 
At our school there were 5 items held from different teams in our school.
There are Topics that they are going to talk about and learn during this term.

Team 1: Their topic for this term is learning about different types of
food they eat in other countries and how they get to school and also
what Their Morning routine is at school.

Team 2: Team 2 is Learning about different countries around the
world, but they are starting off with New Zealand then they are
going to explore the rest of the world.

Team 3: Team 3 did an Amazing race. They are learning about travelling
to different places in this global world.

Team 4: Team 4 is using Google Earth to learn about different countries
and about different types of food.

Team 5: Team 5 is Learning about  Myths from around the world.
We are also going to learn about Sina and the eel and what the
legends and Myths about this amazing story.

Thank You!!

Sunday, 19 July 2020

Winter Learning Journey Collection

My Three emojis are: 
I chose these emojis because:

I chose the heart because this activity is probably one of the best

I chose the thumbs up because this activity was fun to do before school started

I chose the charger block thingy because my Chromebook almost went flat but Lucky I saw my charger right next to me so I plugged it in before it went flat

Winter Learning Journey / Extra Activity / Text Message

Task Description: This is an extra activity for the Winter Learning Learning Journey we were given the ability to write a message to Aotearoa and my message was Encouraging other Kiwis makes a great leader.

Winter Learning Journey - Leader! - Family Leader - Resilience - Activity 6 - Week 2

Task Description: So this is Activity 6 for the Winter Learning Journey and we had to pick two people in our family. I chose my parents because they are great leaders in my family they have done so much for me and my siblings and other people in our family there are more things about them that makes them great leaders and here they are.

How do they support you?: They support me by telling me not to give up when things are hard like school work - they help me by understanding more things when we get home work from school.

What do they teach your whanau: They teach us our samoan language when we don't understand some of the words - they also teach us how to be respectful to other people and such more things.

Friday, 17 July 2020

Winter Learning Journey - Leaders that showed Resilience - Leader - Activity 5 - Week 2

Task Description:Here is the 5th activity for week 2 and this had to do with this weeks leaders that we have been talking about in my tasks. With each leader we had to write how they showed resilience by there huge step ups and courage leadership and also what they've faced. Next we had to write what the four leaders taught us through out this week of learning about them . 

Thursday, 16 July 2020

Winter Learning Journey - Nelson Mandela Letter - Taking Action - Activity 4 - Week 2

Task Description:  Activity 4 has a topic based on someone very special and his name is Nelson Mandela! He is from South Africa and is someone to remember for his self confident in helping black people stand up for their rights and for BLACK people to have the rights to be treated the way as white people get treated. You may or may not know that during the march for black lives Nelson Mandela got sent to prison for 27 years with some information we had to write on a journal things Nelson Mandela would say in his journal and here is what I wrote.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Winter Learning Journey - Letter to Jacinda Ardern - Dear Jacinda! - Activity 3 - Week 2

Task Description: Hey fellow blog readers. Activity 3 for week 2 is going to be writing a letter to Mrs Jacinda Ardern the Prime Minister of New Zealand. You may know her from her great work on getting New Zealand through the pandemic safe and smooth. Here is my letter to the one and only Jacinda Ardern - I hope that she sees this Letter one day!

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Winter Learning Journey/Questions - Wominjeka - Activity 2 - Week 2

Task Description: Kia ora and welcome! In for activity 2 for week 2 is sortove question solving with a person called Dr Jessa Rogers ! She is a Aboriginal Australian and grew up in Queensland. Dr Jessa Rogers became the first school principal (and youngest Aboriginal principal in Australia)! At the age of only 25 years old she won the NAIDOC Youth of the Year award in 2010! 

Monday, 13 July 2020

Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity One ~ Week 2 :)

For this activity, create a list of your β€˜Top 5’ favourite things to do and take a photo of yourself doing each of these things.

On your blog post both your list and your photos of your favourite things.

So for this activity we had to take photos of what we enjoy doing.
These are my Five top things I like and enjoy doing.
I didn't have photos of me and my siblings and Family hanging out and talking so I found some old photos and placed it in my google drawings :)

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Collection ~ Emojis

Select from this collection, 3 emojis that show how you’ve found this week’s Winter Learning Journey!

These are my emojis I chose to rate the Winter Learning Journey.
The reason why I chose the charger is because my Chromebook sometimes goes flat when I am almost finishing one of the tasks that has been given.
I gave a thumbs up because it was a really fun activity to do during Week1 of the holidays
I gave a smile face because this was amazing!

Winter Learning Journey ~ Extra Activity ~ Text Message

Extra - Text message 
If you were given the ability to text one message today to all people of Aotearoa - what  would it be?  NO more than 10 words!
Write in screen here, take a pic and post on your blog to end your first week of our Easter Learning Journey.
So many kids around the world keeps getting told that their not good enough. I do not tolerate Bullying so I'm here to say that you are good enough. In my eyes and the lords we are all amazing people who are good enough.

Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity 5 ~ Quotes

Create a poster that shows 3 key quotes you have heard your parents/whanau say since your return to school in level 2.
These will be quotes - sayings that you find helpful from your whanau!
Post on your blog with a written explanation for each quote

Friday, 10 July 2020

WLJ ~ Maria Folau ~ Activity 4

In this activity you are to 

  1. Create a profile of a favourite Kiwi sports star of yours (name age, sports background, culture, education history, accomplishments to date)
  2. Write similes about this sports star
  3. Publish both pieces on your blog

Name: Maria Folau
Age: 33 Years old
Sports Background: One of the most feared shooters in world Netball with her uncanny skill of being able to convert shots from all points of the circle, Maria Folau made her debut for the Silver Ferns in 2005, the same year she was part of the NZU21 World Youth Championship-winning team.
Culture: Samoan
Education History: Mount Albert Grammar School. Maria Tuta'ia was an attendee of Lynfield College but in the final year of it, transferred to Mount Albert Grammar School.
Accomplishments to Date: In a significant personal milestone, Tutaia became the fourth Silver Fern to achieve 100 Test Caps at Netball World Cup SYDNEY 2015. She has represented New Zealand at three Netball World Cups (2007, 2011, 2015) and three Commonwealth Games (2006, 2010, 2014).
Year Born: 1987 
Birthday: 18 February
Height: 188cm.

Maria Folau is Like a Shooting Star
She is Tall Like the Door.
Her Arms are long Like a Tree Branch
She shoots Like a Basketball Player

Thursday, 9 July 2020

WLJ ~ Similes ~ Activity 3

For this Activity we had to do four similes with either the word like or as which connects it together to make a simile.

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Winter Learning Journey ~ Activity 2 - Tusitala

Task Description: In this activity we got the chance to describe the well known character BFG known as the Big Friendly Giant. We were also able to draw a picture of the Big Friendly Giant but since i've seen the movie many times and the character it is hard to unsee what he looks like.

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Winter Learning Journey ~ Taika Waititi/Pepha

Taika Waititi is a New Zealand filmmaker, Director, Actor and a comedian. He has produced and/or a number of popular films including, Boy, Hunt For the Wilderpeople, and Thor: Ragnarok. Taika Waititi lived in Raukokore which is a small town on the east coast of new zealand, when Taika Waititi graduated from secondary school he then moved to Wellington to study drama at Victoria University, despite moving away Taika has never forgotten his family or his roots ( Where he comes from).

Talking about roots, Taika comes from a culturally diverse family, his father is Maori (Te Whanau-a-Apanui), and his mother is Russian/Jewish on the other hand, am Pakeha (New Zealand European). Most of the ancestors are from England.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Number of Blog Posts

Task Description: This is how many blog posts I got all together which makes the number of 158 I am happy about how much I've got, My next goal is to get more then 200 posts on my blog.
This is how much I've published.
This is how much I got all together but some of them are in the drafts * 11 * Drafts

Wednesday, 1 July 2020


Task Description: For literacy I read a text called stand up and my task was to use the information I have collected and read from the text and then write it down in a different color (dark blue) and lastly I had to write down which protest I feel most passionate about. this task was really interesting and inspiring to learn about what happened in the past.

Venn Diagram

Task Description:Today for literacy I read a text called stand up and we had to choose 2 protests that I was interested in and then compare the similarities and differences between the different protests that took place here in new zealand. this task was really interesting to me and made me feel empowered of how people back then protested for human rights.


Task Description:Today for literacy we read a text called stand up which is about protests in new zealand and human rights. for this task I had to use the word on the side that were in the text and then write the meaning and then write it in a sentence it was kind of hard because I couldn't think of any sentences to write down.

Genius Hour ~ Germany

Task Description: For Genius Hour I did three slides of different things of Germany. I chose Germany because it was a very interesting country to do for Genius Hour.

Germany is the fourth best country in the world.