
Friday, 6 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Teaser Week, Day 3

Activity One
This activity is about Rajasthan, India sub-saharan Africa, getting more water because they do not have much water.

Activity Two 
This activity is about what we are being proud of like are we proud of what we achieved in school or at camp or anywhere else, it also includes who we are proud of out of our friends or family.  
Activity Three

Summer Learning Journey Week, Day 2

Activity One

This infographic is a profile page about a Mouse. This was an activity from the summer learning journey Teaser Week

Activity Two
They should get paid the same because they work hard to play rugby and that they deserve to get the same equal money. 

Activity Three

Chess: This is a very popular game and this person playing it is a pro/master at chess his name is Garry Kasparov.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Day 1

This Infographic  is a profile page about Lorde. This was an activity from the summer learning journey Teaser Week

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

The Trailblazers- Point England


Today Room 6 watched the Sky Sports National News Global. As we were watching some of our students were on Sky Sports,they were talking about Netball.Some of us were getting interviewed by the Sky Sports people, Precious was umpiring the year 5 game and Miss Va'afusuaga was umpiring the year 6 game and Precious also was interviewed and she was talking about herself umpiring to help her mum pay the bills for the house.After that the sky sports people were talking about our hoops that never gets fixed and they were also talking about the cracks in the concrete and they were also talking about the fees of how much other schools pay and how much we pay and that we use that money to pay our new uniforms for Netball,the Sky Sports are giving us opportunities for our students.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Maths Quiz

Our teacher challenged us to create a quiz on Google Slides. This quiz is made up of different Maths questions. Give it a go and leave a comment telling me how you went.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Something in the Water

Hi and Welcome to my animation about the rocky shore. The crab is trying to eat the sea snail but it keeps on going away. But then the sea snail has bad luck without getting away and the crab has good luck by eating the snail. Thank you for watching my animation

Tuesday, 17 September 2019


The New Kid In Town
Today Room 6 was posting about our Film Festival Movie which is called The New Kid In Town... Hope you Enjoy it

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Leah & Mel Smart Relationships

Kia Ora so today me my buddy and our class were sharing our Smart Relationships. We did this because it helps us to replie positive to other people blog.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Table Discussion

What do I like most about New Zealand?

1. I like New Zealand because they sell and definitely make better pies than Australia.
2 .The second reason why I like New Zealand is because I think it is the safest country in the whole wide world.
3. The third reason why I like New Zealand is because they have a lot of technology so that kids around New Zealand can work harder and put their work on their own blog.
4. The fourth reason why I like New Zealand is because New Zealand beaches are close to where we live and are easy to get to than other countries in the world.
5. The fifth reason why I like New Zealand is because we have three different national languages. They are Maori, Sign Language and English and we can celebrate different cultures like Samoan, Tongan, Maori, Chinese and all other cultures.
6 .The sixth reason why I also like New Zealand is because we are always welcoming in New Zealand and that New Zealand can let anyone from different countries come to New Zealand.
7. The seventh reason why I like New Zealand is because their Ice creams are nice.
8. The eight reason why I like New Zealand is because we have kind hearted people, we have Kind people who helps people who needs help with things.
9. The ninth reason I also like New Zealand is that we have a lot of homes to stay in and that we also have hotels and apartments to stay in.
10. The tenth reason why I like New Zealand is because we have pools to swim in when it is hot and when it is cold we can swim in the hot pool.
11. The eleventh reason why I like New Zealand is because Wellington is the capital of New Zealand and it is also where I was born and that I wanted to live all my life.

Saturday, 22 June 2019

The Story of Daniel and his friends

In the third year that Jehoiakim was king of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia attacked Jerusalem and surrounded the city. The lord let him capture King Jehoiakim and seize some of the Temple treasures. He took some prisoners back with him to the temple of his gods in Babylon, and put the captured treasures in the temple storerooms. The king ordered Ashpenaz, his chief official, to select among the Israelite exiles some young men of the royal family and of the noble families. They had to be handsome, intelligent, well trained, quick to learn, and free from physical defects, so that they would be qualified to serve in the royal court. Ashpenaz was to teach them to read and write the Babylonian language. The king also gave orders that every day they were to be given the same food and wine as the members of the royal court. After three years of this training they were to appear before the king. Among those chosen were Daniel, Hananiah, Misheal, and Azariah, all of whom were from the tribe of Judah. The chief official gave them new names: Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Daniel made up his mind not to let himself become ritually unclean by eating the food and drinking the wine of the royal court, so he asked Ashpenaz to help him, and God made Ashpenaz sympathetic to Daniel. Ashpenaz, however, was afraid of the king, so he said to Daniel, " The king has decided what you are to eat and drink, and if you don't look as fit as the other young men, he may kill me." So Daniel went to the guard whom Ashpenaz had placed in charge of him and his three friends. " Test us for ten days," he said. " Give us Vegetables to eat and water to drink." Then compare us with the young men who are eating the food of the royal court, and base your decision on how we look." He agreed to let them try it for ten days. When the time was up, they looked healthier and stronger than all those  who had been eating the royal food. So from the on the guard let them continue to eat vegetables instead of what the king provided. God gave the four young me knowledge and skill in literature and philosophy. In addition, he gave Daniel   skill in interpreting visions and dreams. At the end of the three years set by the king, Ashpenaz took all the young men to Nebuchadnezzar. The king talked with them all, and Daniel Hananiah, Misheal, and Azariah impressed him more than any of the others. So they became member's of the king's court. No matter what question the king asked or what problem he raised, these four knew ten times more than any fortuneteller or magician in his whole kingdom. Daniel remained at the royal court until Cyrus, the emperor of Persia, conquered Babylonia.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Past my Grammar Practice

I have past my Grammar Practice, I have got 20/20

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Thursday, 13 June 2019

The Time Traveller

If I were a Time Traveller.
If I were a time traveller I would see the future because I want to see what the future would be like I wonder if there was floating cars and talking bikes or scooters. If I were a time traveller I would travel back when I was  a little girl and see what I had been doing when I was a little girl to see what class I was in and what teacher I had when I was in school. If I were a time traveller I would travel back to change the past because I would want to change the time, the time would be 1:30am in the morning when I change it. If I were a time traveller I would travel back when my brother was little when he was in Samoa and what college he went to while he was a teenager I wonder if his college was so big that his college had stairs to go up and down to the office, hall and corridor. If I were a time traveller I would travel back when my dad was little in Samoa, I wonder if he had to do nearly all the chores, if I see what it was like I wonder if it had leaves all over the grass and that there were rock all over the concrete and that the back door was a way to get to the back house and what if there was a place for cooking outside. If I were a time traveller I would travel around the world I wonder if I mostly saw the ocean and some of the land and kind of the desert and I was above the sky it would be fantastic. If I were a time traveller I would travel back when Miss Tuia was little and she was in primary it would look like Miss Tuia had no glasses on she will still look amazing. If I were a time traveller I would travel again to the future and play around with the floating cars and one of the talking bikes or scooters, the floating cars would be colourful and the bikes and scooters will be the same colour as the floating cars and there would be a lot of golden robots that can help you find your stuff that you have lost they can help you if you ask them to help. If I were a time traveller I would travel back to when Miss Tia was young and in primary school with Miss Tuia I want to see if they were both in the same class and that they had taken photos with each other for photo day. If I were a time traveller I would travel back when my mum was so little that I want to see what school she went to and what college she went to. If I were a time traveller I would travel back to when I was little in kindergarten for my 5th birthday in kindergarten I wonder if my mum was at my 5th birthday at kindergarten. If I were a time traveller I would travel back when Miss Parrant was little and what primary school she went to I wonder what it looked like and I wonder what high school she went to I think it has an upstairs and downstairs, the upstairs would lead you either to the office, hall corridor or the back door. If I were a time traveller I would travel back when Miss Moala was little in america and what School she went to I think her school had stairs and art pictures on the wall when you walk straight in the door and I also wonder what high school she went to I think it had stairs and a cafe where you can eat with your friends. If I were a time traveller I would travel back when Jayah was little and how we met each other I wonder if we met when it was daylight or we met when it was nighttime.

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Chapter 2 ( Lucky Charms going to unicorn school then going back home)

Chapter 2

On the next morning Lucky Charms woke up and went to Olivia house, Lilly was at Olivia house too Lucky Charms opened the door and went to Olivia and Lilly. As Lucky Charms went to Olivia and Lilly, Lucky Charms was telling them that she was going to unicorn school to learn magic and different things for unicorns when Olivia and Lilly heard that Lucky Charms was leaving they were sad but Lucky Charms didn't want to leave her two best friends but she had to leave because her little sister was going to unicorn school. Olivia and Lilly went to their parents and asked if they were allowed to go to unicorn school and they said " yes " and they were all happy that Lucky Charms is not going alone, Lucky Charms, Olivia and Lilly went to unicorn school and they all went to the same house to sleep in their house name was Rainbow Stars and Lucky Charms little sister had to go to the house named Moonlight where all the little other unicorn's was there and Lucky Charms little sister found her best friend, Lucky Charms was so surprised that even her her cousins went to unicorn school. Olivia went to her house and asked Lilly if they wanted to walk around, Lucky Charms wasn't going because she went to walk around with her cousins. Lilly was walking until she saw her sister and when Lilly went to her sister her sister had apologise to her and they walked around, but Olivia was all on her own and she had nothing to do so Olivia had packed her stuff and went to a different house to sleep in and her new house was Rainbow Jello and she was more happy in that house because no walked around all they were doing was playing games and another unicorn called Izzy welcomed her to her house, Izzy was the leader of that house, Izzy was very kind, Olivia was happy to move houses. Lucky Charms went back to her house and looked for Olivia and Lilly but she had noticed that Lilly went for a walk with her big sister but she doesn't know where Olivia went. Lucky Charms went to check every house she was checking and checking until she went to Rainbow Jello she went inside and she saw Olivia and Olivia was having so much fun, Lucky Charms was calling out to her Olivia looked but then she looked back to her game that she was playing. Lucky Charms was so sad that Olivia moved so then Lucky Charms went back to her house and packed all of her stuff and went back home. As Lucky Charms got home her parents asked her why she came back home but Lucky Charms never answered her parents Lucky Charms just went straight to her room and she was so sad as soon as Olivia rang her Lucky Charms never answer the phone Lucky Charms just went to sleep a few hours later Lucky Charms woke up and went out of her room and there she saw her cousins and she was happy but she will be more happy if Olivia was there. As soon as Lucky Charms said Olivia's name Olivia came out from the back of the unicorns and there she was Lucky Charms was so happy that she wanted to go back to unicorn school but she was more happy at home with her parents. Lucky Charms went out for a walk but she was hungry so Lucky Charms and Olivia ate before they left the house for their friendship walk, Olivia was telling Lucky Charms all the things that she did with Izzy Olivia told Lucky Charms that she is going back to unicorn school in a few weeks Lucky Charms wanted to go back but she didn't want to leave her parents. Lucky Charms biggest dream was to help her parents and help other unicorns that is out there but most of all she wanted to go to unicorn school but at the same time she wanted to stay home and help her parents but her parents said that she can go to unicorn school but she didn't want to so instead she let Olivia go and she can stay home and help her parents. When the moment came when Olivia had to go back to unicorn school Lucky Charms was so sad but at the same time she was happy to see her best friend to go unicorn school with all the our big unicorns like Lighting, Lighting is the girl that Lucky Charms had met when she was walking around with her cousins. Lucky Charms told herself that she can make new friends while Olivia is gone to unicorn school she is so happy for Olivia because Olivia had dreamed about going to unicorn school and when it was Olivia birthday she wished that she could go to unicorn school and it came true she was so happy that her dream came true. The next day Lucky Charms was feeling so sick she had a sore throat and she had a fever and she had to stay in bed all day she was not liking it but she was so happy that her parents were there to help her.

To be Continued 

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Lucky Charms the Unicorn ( Made up story ) Chapter one

Chapter One

On one sunny morning a unicorn named Lucky Charms was wondering around the beautiful forest she was so happy to see the birds chirping around her and squirrels getting acorns. As she was walking she saw her best friend named Olivia, Olivia was her best friend ever so then Lucky Charms ran up to her and said Hello Olivia said Hello back when they both said hello to each other they went for a walk while they were walking through the forest they were talking about sleepover's they were planning it all week. As it came to Saturday they had their sleepover Lucky Charms was going over to Olivia's house, Lucky Charms had packed a lot of stuff but Olivia told her that she didn't need a lot of things because Olivia has a lot of food at her house Olivia has a lot a boxes full with colour food. Lucky Charms quickly went back to her house and took some things out of her backpack Lucky Charms was taking so long because she needed help then Olivia went to her house and helped Lucky Charms they were so tired but then Olivia had an idea Lucky Charms can leave all her stuff here because Olivia had a bunk bed she was sleeping on it with her little sister but Olivia's sister went to her friends house to have a sleepover too. Lucky Charms was so excited for the sleepover but Lucky Charms didn't know what to eat for dinner but luckily Olivia told her what they are having for dinner they were having rainbow carrots with rainbow soup, Lucky Charms asked Olivia what they are having for dessert and Olivia said " Rainbow Cereal with colourful Pancakes" Lucky Charms was more excited for the sleepover. Olivia was Lucky Charms best friend ever. On the next day (Sunday) they were planning some things they should do together Lucky Charms had a really good idea she was thinking of having a picnic at 2:00 pm in the afternoon and Olivia had agreed with that, Olivia was thinking of what food to get for the picnic but Lucky Charms told her not to worry because Lucky Charms got it all sorted, Olivia and Lucky Charms went for the picnic at 1:30 pm in the afternoon they went to the river for the picnic and they was another unicorn at the river alone she was sad, so Olivia told Lucky Charms to see if the unicorn was alright but she wasn't she was so sad they asked why she was sad and she said because her big sister ran away from her then Lucky Charms asked what was her name and she said " Lilly " and Lucky Charms and Olivia said at the both time what a wonderful name. Lucky Charms asked Lilly if she wanted to be their friend and Lilly had agreed so they told her to come with them to their picnic for the picnic they had colour rings and colourful rainbow juice with the colour rings. Lilly was so glad she had new friends because she had never had friends she asked each unicorn but they said that she was no good for having friends but now she has helpful friends Olivia, Lucky Charms, and Lilly were all at Lucky Charms house and they were talking about the past, Lilly asked if they were friends ever since they were little and they both said yes it was like Olivia and Lucky Charms was sister's but they were not ever since they had met they both wanted to be sister's for their whole entire life they had wished it but it had never came true. The next day as they woke up they all noticed that they were still at Lucky Charms house but it was alright because their parents knew that they will be at Lucky Charms house, Lilly was hungry so Lilly went in the kitchen to look for the colourful rings to eat for breakfast but it look like that all the food was finish so instead they went to Olivia's house and there was a lot of food at Olivia house, Lilly was looking for the colourful rings but there was nothing so instead they were eating colourful bows. Colourful bows was Olivia's favourite cereal in the whole entire world they were eating until they were full.

To be continued 

Would you rather part 9

Nearly up to 60 posts

Yeah I am nearly up to 60 post on my blog!!!!!
Please give me ideas to put on my blog!!!!!
Image result for 60    Image result for 60

60 post is coming 

Would you rather part 8

My Blog Profile

Monday, 3 June 2019

50 posts

Working on Would you rather part 7

Kia Ora

I am working on my Would you rather part 7 I have no idea what to put on it but I am still thinking. Please be patience. I am still working I got the tab open and I am looking up Images to put on if you haven't seen the other would you rather's please check them out. 



Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Where in the world?


Personal or Private

Our cyber smart teacher Miss Collins made this for my class Room 6 and she told us if we would like to keep our things personal or private???

Friday, 17 May 2019

Kindness and Kaitakitanga

Showing kindness means a lot to other people.

Our Korero for this week is Wheorita te atawhai -  make kindness go viral

Monday, 13 May 2019

Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences

My Vocab Sheet

Vocab Sheet
If you could be a fly on the wall, what do you think you would hear these people say? Remember your speech marks.
β€œ Hey look popcorn is popping out of the bucket.”

β€œ Hey who car is that and look at the brilliant sunset.”

The Cat is giving evil’s to the dog it is like that the cat doesn't want to share the dog bone with the dog.

The two girls were having an argument on the beach they were saying mean stuff.

The two boys found an mystery box, inside the box was some colourful crystals and Gems and it was shining in the sun.

Write out the conversations in these cartoons.

Teacher: Why are you late Jimmy? 
Jimmy: My bike has a puncture.

Fredrick: Let’s go to the stream.
Wilson: O.k I’ve got the worms in my lunch-box.

Friday, 10 May 2019

Table Discussion

What am I most grateful for in life?

I am grateful for my parents because they help me with my work and they do everything for me and my siblings.

I am also grateful for my friends because we also help one another and we also laugh around with each other.

The other thing I am grateful for is my big brother. I am grateful for my big brother because when ever my mum is sick and my dad is at work, my brother will always come to my house and take care of me and my other siblings.

I am also grateful for my my teacher Miss Tuia because she is the best teacher in the world and she is kind she is my favourite teacher in the whole entire world.

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Thursday, 9 May 2019

North, East, South, West.

This is my finished work I did and I hope you guys will enjoy my work I have done..

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Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Manaiakalani Learner Questionnaire.

Talofa Lava. Me and my class did this Manaiakalani survey and the last part of the Manaiakalani survey was quite hard to choose.The part that I found easy was what culture I mostly identify with. I really enjoy using my Chromebook in school because it is more easy to use then writing on paper. I really want to take my Chromebook home because I want to do more blog posting during the holidays. My favourite part of the Manaiakalani Survey was ticking all the questions, Mrs Collins was helping my class Rm 6 do the Manaiakalani Survey.

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Facts about HummingBird

The name Hummingbird, comes from the humming noise their wings make as they beat so fast.
Hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backwards.
Their tiny legs are only used for perching and moving sideways while perched.

Hummingbirds are birds native to the Americas and constitute the biological family Trochilidae. They are among the smallest of birds, most species measuring 7.5–13 cm in length. The smallest extant bird species is a hummingbird, the 5 cm bee hummingbird weighing less than 2.0 g.Wikipedia

Lifespan: 3 – 5 years
Speed: 79 km/h (Maximum, Diving)
Scientific name: Trochilidae
Higher classification: Apodiformes
Mass: Ruby-throated hummingbird: 3.1 g, MORE Encyclopedia of Life
Did you know: Most hummingbirds die in the first year of their life.

Photos of Hummingbirds Link here Hummingbird Photos

Friday, 3 May 2019

Table Discussion

If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, what will it be and why.

I will only eat one kind of a food and that will be McDonalds, I chose McDonalds because it is more delicious than any other food, my drink will be coke no sugar because I don’t like sugar in my drinks. McDonalds has one of my favourite burgers which is Mcchicken because I like the mayo and the lettuce in the burger, I like the fries with mayo and tomato sauce mixed together but most of all I like the drinks I like any kind of drinks that is in McDonalds but I mostly like coke no sugar and I would wanna buy the dessert with my food my favourite dessert in McDonald's is the M&M’S Mini McFlurry.

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Tuesday, 23 April 2019

About Samoa

Samoa is an island country located the south pacific ocean. The official name of the country is Independent State of Samoa. Samoa is located halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand in the Polynesian region of the south pacific. Samoa shares maritime borders with American Samoan ( United States), New Zealand, Tonga, and Wallis and Futuna ( France). As of 1 January 2017, the population of Samoa was estimated to be 195,470 people. It is the 167th largest country in the world in terms of land area with 2,842 square kilometers ( 1,097 square miles ). The country is made up of nine volcanic islands, two of which- Savai'i and Uplou-make up more than 99% of the land. Apia is the capital and the largest city of Samoa. The city is located on the central north coast of Uplou, Samoa's second largest island. Apia is the only "city" in Samoa. It has population of about 37,000. The country lies within the area of " Ring of Fire, " a major area in the basin of the pacific ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. The islands have narrow coastal plains with volcanic, rocky, rugged mountains in the interior. The highest point in Samoa is Mount Sillisili, at 1858 meters (6,096 feet) above sea level. It is located in the centre of a mountain chain running the length of Savai'i island. Savai'i, the largest island in Samoa, is volcanically active with the most recent eruptions in Mt Matavanu (1905–1911), Mata o le Afi (1902) and Mauga Afi (1725).
The coastline of the islands total 403 kilometers (250 miles) in lengthLalomanu Beach is the most popular beach in Samoa with its leaning palms, beautiful white sand and views of Samoa’s smaller outer islands. To Sua Ocean Trench ( literally translated as "large swimming hole" ) is a swimming spot located in  Lotofaga village, on the south coast of Uplou island. When the volcanoes  erupted  on the island, much of the ground fell away, and this 30- meter ( 98 foot ) deep hole was the result.  The swimming hole with turquoise water is accessed by a ladder. The Afu Aau also known as Olemoe Falls, is a spectacular waterfall in south-eastern Savai'i that plunges from the rain forest deep into a fresh-water swimming pool. The majestic and magnificent Robert Louis Stevenson Museum. A place where this famous Scottish poet and author fell in love. The Museum is perfectly restored back to its glorious day with some of the author's work and family memorabilia's. The Museum possess the largest collection of  Stevensoniana on public display in the world. The Immaculate Conception  of Mary Cathedral is located in the center of the capital city of the Independent State of Samoa, Apia. The new cathedral of Apia was opened to the public on 2 June 2014, after three years of repairs, with the presence of Archbishop Martin Krebs, apostolic nuncio in New Zealand. The church was rebuilt on the site of the original  cathedral dating from 1857. Samoa's oldest known site of human occupation is Mulifanua on the island of Uplou, which dates back to 1000 BC ( about 3000 years ago).  Over the millennia, the Samoan people engaged in trade, battles and intermarriage of nobility with the neighboring islands of Fiji and Tonga. Contact with Europeans began in the early 18th century. Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen happened upon the islands in 1722. In 1768, French Admiral Louis De Bougainville visited the islands. He was so impressed with the Samoan's numerous canoes and their great skill in handling them that he gave Samoa its original European name, " The Navigator islands." Contact was limited before the 1830s, which is when English missionaries and traders began arriving. Germany took possession of the western portion of the Samoan archipelago from 1899-1914. At the outbreak of World War one, New Zealand troops took possession of the island country. Following WWI the newly formed League of Nations gave New Zealand its Mandate to administer the islands, which resulted in close ties between the two countries that still exist to this day. The newly formed United Nations extended New Zealand's mandate until January 1, 1962, when Western Samoa, or Samoa i Sisifo as the Samoans called it, became the first Independent Polynesian nation.In 1997 the island nation officially shortened its name to 
Samoa is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.The economy of Samoa is Samoa. dependent on agricultural exports, development aid and private remittances from overseas. Agriculture employs two-thirds of the labor force, and furnishes 90% of exports, featuring coconut cream, coconut oil and copra.As with other Polynesian cultures with significant and unique tattoos, Samoans have two gender specific and culturally significant tattoos. For males, it is called the Pe’a and consists of intricate and geometrical patterns tattooed that cover areas from the knees up towards the ribs. A male who possesses such a tatau is called a soga’imiti. A Samoan girl or teine is given a malu, which covers the area from just below her knees to her upper thighs.In traditional Samoan culture, men were responsible for daily cooking and preparation of special events.Obesity rates in Samoa are among the highest in the world. A gene variant much more common among Samoans than others, is thought to partly explain high levels of obesity among people from Samoa.On December 29, 2011, Samoa jumped the International Dateline, skipping December 30, 2011, to fall in line with the same day as New Zealand and Australia on December 31, 2011 – New Years Eve.

Sunday, 21 April 2019

Happy Easter Everyone 2019

Happy Easter to everyone

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Yay 8 more days till school

Yeah I can't wait till school starts again

I want to go back to school because I miss my teacher Miss Tuia but it was only two weeks of the holidays. I hope everyone in the school is having a awesome holiday I love school.

I miss my friends and I miss Miss Tuia and I just wanna come back to school, I kind of like the holidays but most of all I like school because I wanna see my friends again. I miss school.

I can't wait till school because on the second week of term 2 netball starts yay. 

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Friday, 19 April 2019

About my Netball Team ( Jammers )


My Netball Team name is called Jammers

We all are in Yr 6 

These are the people that is in the Jammers:

Leah, Eva, Nina, Jasmine, Aaliyah, Sauma, Mele, Precious, Sivaenah, Latisha.

Our cocah name is Mrs Parrant

Our Manger name is Mr Vogt.

We train on Monday's at lunchtime when train on Tuesday's with the yr 6 Jetz and we even train on Wednesday.

Captain? Person who works hard at training, or the person who bring's a smile to training, the person who want's to train and the person who go to training with a great attitude.

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English words translated into Samoan words

These are English words translated into Samoan words

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Thursday, 11 April 2019

Table Discussion


When I grow up I want to be a Netball Player just like Maria Folau. Maria Folau is my favourite Netball Player she played for the Silver Fern Team. Maria Folau Height is 1.9 M. I want to be just like her when I grow up. I will try my best at Netball to be just like Maria Folau so I will train hard as I can to be a Netball Player I want to play for the Silver Fern.

Or I will be a Day Care Teacher. I will be a Teacher at Day Care because I want to be just like my mum I am so close to my mum so on the holidays I will be going with my mum to her Day Care work her Day Care name is called TeuliaKids.

Monday, 1 April 2019

Poster About Samoa


April fools day

Here is April Fools Day Prank and there is one you can do on Easter Day.

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Thursday, 21 March 2019

My Follow up task

Evidence from the text
β€œHelen the rooster stepped from one foot to the other. Last year, she had been so nervous she had vomited before the show.” (p12)
Josh was shocked because George Horse tail was next to the heater and it was burning and it got smoulder. (p13)
Mr Appleton
Mr Appleton’s voice rose dangerously, because Josh was humming loud. So Mr Appleton was angry. (p 12)
β€œExcuse me Mr A,” Seth said. β€œ I think George’s tail might be on fire!”
Melanie was surprised that George tail was burning so Melanie picked up George and went on the stage because there was a pool filled with water so she threw him in the pool and then the burning was all sorted out
George was nervous because he thought that this will never happen but it did happen because his tail was burning.
Anthea dressed as a taniwha, were rolling on her back while Chen tickled her taniwha tummy with a broom.
Rex was dressed has a taniwha with Anthea they were rolling on their backs because Chen was tickling their taniwha tummy with a broom. During dress rehearsal, the taniwha had accidentally rolled back into the lake. The lake was actually a paddling pool filled with water. 

Monday, 4 March 2019

Invite to Dinner


Cardi B.   I  invite Cardi B to dinner because i like her songs and she is my favourite rapper in the whole wild world i invite to dinner because her daughter is so cute.
Tiwa Savage.  I want to invite Tiwa Savage because she is my favourite singer and i like one of her songs because she is the best.
Miss Tuia.   I would invite Miss Tuia  because she is the best teacher and i like  being in her class she is the best.
Maria Folau.  I would invite Maria because she is my grandpa’s aunty and i really want to meet her because she is my favourite netball player.

Friday, 1 March 2019

Table Discussion


Samoa .. I would like to take my family to Samoa because I never get to hang around with my dad family and mum family.

Disneyland.. I want to take my family to disneyland because my little nephew loves watching Mickey mouse. We watch Mickey mouse at my Aunty house he told me he really wants to go to disneyland.

Paris.. I would like to go to Paris with my family because Paris is my dream place and I really want to see the Eiffel tower.  

Dubai.. I want to go to Dubai because it is one of the richest places in the world.

Waterfall.. I want to take my family to my favourite waterfalls in the world my favourite waterfalls in the world is the region waterfall.

Hastings.. I want to go to hastings because it is one of my favourite places in the world and I want to take my family to the Hastings pool because it is so big.

Africa.. I want to take my family to Africa because me and my brother likes the leopards and i would like to see the African tribes 

Wellington.. I want to take my family to Wellington because it is where i was born and that was our home now it is Auckland.

Christchurch.. I want to take my family to Christchurch because that is where my dad nephew is and i want to go and visit him.

Niue.. I want to take my family to Niue because i like Niue beach.

Fiji.. I want to take my family to Fiji because i want to swim in the water at the beach because it is so clear.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

My Time tables

This is my times tables i did these during the weekends hope you like it..

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